

Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Okay, so today I'm more than likely going to pick up a black ghost knife fish! :D They're about 3" at the moment, I have a 55gallon tank and yes, I know that it's too small for the BGK, however later this summer I'm getting a 180gallon tank for my dad's office, he likes the odd ball fish and he's already got a 75gallon African cichlid tank there. Now, my question is first off, how quickly do BGKs grow? My manager at the LPS I work at has one and his has only grown about 2.5-3" in the past 3-4 months, is this a normal growth rate? Secondly, I've been doing some research and I've found that they eat pellets, flakes and live foods. I assume frozen food would be alright aswell? But would sinking shrimp pellets be good for them?

Any other information I could get on these wonderful little guys would be greatly appriciated.


Congrats on getting the BGK :good: , their loads of fun!

They grow kind of in the middle, fish-wise. They don't grow really fast, but they don't grow really slow. What the guy told you is about right.

I feed mine by hand giving them each 3 thawed krills that are about 1" in length, and they're doing fine!

Hope this helps!

By the way, I'd love to see a picture of him when you get the chance!

Will do :) keep in mind I haven't got the little buddy just yet, I need to wait for my dad to give me a ride, which'll be around... oh say 6-7pm ugh...
Great info, I've found similar a few times already. thanks much.

Now, my new question is can anybody give me information on these fish based on personal experience?
Great info, I've found similar a few times already. thanks much.

Now, my new question is can anybody give me information on these fish based on personal experience?

Hey there, I had a 12" bgk that I eventually took to work for the 8ft display.

Mine didn't even sniff at flakes, pellets ect.

He only ever ate frozen, mainly bloodworm.
I also used to hand feed him lanchfish :p

Good to know, so eating may be a problem with these fish hmm... Well, I'm off to get my new BGK in a little bit :) I'll post pics of the baby when I get him :D

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