Bgk With Rams?


Mar 20, 2011
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Can Black Ghost Knifefish go with bolivian rams?
If it's a risk then i won't do it, was just wondering.
If they could i wouldn't be putting them in now anyway, as first i have to get 1 of my BGK to a good home, but also i want to rearrange my tank, make more hiding places, and more room for the discus.
I have a pair of Kribs with my BGK and have never had a problem.

How big is your tank?
Both spend a lot of time near the bottom, so as long as their is enough space and hiding places, it should be ok.
I have a BGK (about 10cm) in with two GBR and they get along fine. One of the GBR (I suspect is male) can be a little pushy with my corys but will give the BGK all the room he wants. The BGK doesn't bother anyone, he just pushes them out of the road if he wants the to move and they don't argue :p

Mind you I wouldn't have a BGK in with rams once he gets twice the size, he's going into a bigger tank by then though :good:
Can Black Ghost Knifefish go with bolivian rams?
If it's a risk then i won't do it, was just wondering.
If they could i wouldn't be putting them in now anyway, as first i have to get 1 of my BGK to a good home, but also i want to rearrange my tank, make more hiding places, and more room for the discus.
i was about to do this same thing with my bgk, but think about the rams size, when your bgk grows bigger, wont a 2" bolivian ram be vulnrable?

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