Bgk Pulled A Gost

jimi priest

Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
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so i moved a rock when cleaning my tank so i could get behind it and when i got there i noticed my knife was behind it and when i fully moved the knife was gone i looked around for him and couldn't find him i looked around and under every rock possible and even looked to see if he jumped off then realize he must be in the tank because he wasn't out of it i finished and got out of there and when i was finished i was looking at it and the knife was right in the front searching around for food im so confused there not realty ghosts right
Oh haha ,
what's a knife ? lol..
im 13 :)
oo and what do you mean about realty gost ?
hehe :lol:
yeah but i have never seen one poof like that it was amazing but all in all im hapy i have it eating ( i hate losing fish) im sure hell make it nice and big ( hes moving to a 90 in mid july)
Here, have a supply of punctuation that may make it just a little to understand what you are trying to say:

?? ??;;;;;:::::

Here, have a supply of punctuation that may make it just a little to understand what you are trying to say:

?? ??;;;;;:::::


I agree, I'm not usually one to criticise someone else's punctuation or grammar mistakes but you must be having a laugh. :crazy:
alright ill trade you your punctuation for some words. For starters your in need of easier ,next ill give over way. Followed by to. Followed by go. I don't care about punctuation, it make sense just fine if you don't skim though it and actually read it. if you can read.
I'm sorry but i have no idea what you just said!

Punctuation and grammar are there to aid people when reading back what you have written, you can't expect people to sit and decrypt it before answering, it should contain easy info that people can read and say "ah rite, he/she wants to know this, that or the other"
I don't care about punctuation, it make sense just fine if you don't skim though it and actually read it. if you can read.

No it doesn't. A lack of punctuation makes one have to continually read back to try and figure out where the phrases and sentences are.

Perhaps you would prefer the traditional Ancient Greek (and possibly Roman Latin? I forget) way of writing where every single letter is in capitals and there are no spaces, let alone commas and full stops.

Or then again, perhaps we should utilise the tools that have developed over many years to allow an easy to read and use form of getting ideas across.
English is a horrible language the words come from no where sound nothing like what they are. there is no way to break it down see what it means, you cant spell it out. every one who knows more about it is a terrible dick that corrects every one. on top of that its almost impossible to actually speak proper English so yeah maybe i should speak Latin ( as you call roman) or Greek at least then i can make sense .

bye the bye dont give english lessons if you leave out words in your initial statement.
English is a horrible language the words come from no where sound nothing like what they are. there is no way to break it down see what it means, you cant spell it out. every one who knows more about it is a terrible dick that corrects every one. on top of that its almost impossible to actually speak proper English so yeah maybe i should speak Latin ( as you call roman) or Greek at least then i can make sense .

bye the bye dont give english lessons if you leave out words in your initial statement.

Actually, in Latin there are spaces and periods. I don't know about Roman Latin though.

Really, please please please use proper grammar. It is not very hard to press one key at the end of a sentance or phrase, and it saves many other people so much time.

see, thats how it works ill make some effort to try im jsut a bit lazy
bye the bye dont give english lessons if you leave out words in your initial statement.

Wow, someone who admits they are too lazy to even bother with punctuation attacks me for a typographical error (in this case an omission).

Oh noes! teh inhoomanitees!!111one!


If I had thought that any lack of punctuation on your part was in some way accidental I would have ignored it, picking up on typos is not a game I enjoy playing; "We are none of us infallible" as W H Thompson wrote. And the reason I referred to it as Roman Latin is because the Latin taught today often does have spaces and punctuation whereas the Latin in Roman times did not have punctuation (and I seem to recall it may not have had spaces either), hence that was my way of illustrating I was referring to the older form of the language.

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