Fish Crazy
I'm very concerned about my BGK. He (it's called Casper so we'll say it's a he) has a certain favourite spot to hide in a fake ornament in his tank (solid base with plastic plant attached). However, this ornament has a lot of...roots? attached to the base. I came home from a friends place a couple of nights ago to find him stuck in the roots and barely moving. I've had this fish for a few months now along with the ornament and never had a problem. So after a slight heartattack and frantically trying to free him, he's swimming around happy as larry. Mind you I can't take my eyes off the tank incase he gets caught again
My question is should I take this ornament out? My LFS told me not to shift him into my new tank as he's established his territory in this tank and would be totally confused in a new tank. I would assume taking 'his' ornament out would confuse him again? I have done a redecoration of the tank before and he was fine. Any help would be muchly appreciated. He's in a 2ft now (far too small I know), the new tank is a 2.5ft (not much better). Would you guys recommend shifting him into the slightly larger tank? I do have plans of getting a 4ft but don't rely on this.
EDIT: Also, while I'm on the topic, is it normally for him to be out and about swimming around in the daylight with the tank light on? I thought they were meant to be a shy fish but he's always doing circus tricks or calmly checking out the new plants or the new filter.
My question is should I take this ornament out? My LFS told me not to shift him into my new tank as he's established his territory in this tank and would be totally confused in a new tank. I would assume taking 'his' ornament out would confuse him again? I have done a redecoration of the tank before and he was fine. Any help would be muchly appreciated. He's in a 2ft now (far too small I know), the new tank is a 2.5ft (not much better). Would you guys recommend shifting him into the slightly larger tank? I do have plans of getting a 4ft but don't rely on this.
EDIT: Also, while I'm on the topic, is it normally for him to be out and about swimming around in the daylight with the tank light on? I thought they were meant to be a shy fish but he's always doing circus tricks or calmly checking out the new plants or the new filter.