Bgk Help...


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
okay so here's the thing. recently i am sure you have read my post and i finally caved in and got the cutest little BGK in the world. yes i know they all look virtually the same but still he is cute! he was a little lathargic in the pet shop but i figured it was due to them having too strong of light on the tank with no real hiding places for him. he was in with 2 oscars and a clown knife fish all about his size. well i did beyond the proper acclimation by letting him sit in the water for 30 mins to adjust to temperature, then i slowly added some tank water and let him sit for a little while before adding more tank water until he was in solid tank water, then i let him sit and then added him to the tank (only a him b/c its name is Danny). none of the other fish have bothered him, he has jsut chilled on the bottom moving a little bit. he is checking out the silk plant though so i take that as a really good sign. is it jsust that he needs to adjust to the tank life, or is there any possible way he that is sick. he looked really healthy swimming into the net in the pet shop and around in the bag he was in. i turned off all the lighting in the tank so he can adjust better. is there anything i should look out for? or anyhting else i should do? like i said this is my first venture into oddballs and i want to make sure everything is good. i want to start off with a good experience. thank you for the help in advanced


Tank Stats (Tank is in sig)
Ammonia- 0.2 (was at 0.0 yesterday before adding him)
Nitrate- ran out of liquid test stuff, but should be fine since others are good

edit: i forgot to say that by jsut chilling o nthe bottom i mean he doesnt move much and he is kind of tilting on his side. know that they are bottom dwellers, but arent they supposed ot move a little bit more? is laying a little to one side normal for them? that was my question i forgot to put it in the post. thansk again guys.
These guys really really like tubes, and you can get clear tubes so you can see him and he feels comfortable. These guys really just like to lie and loaf around. No big.
well iwas going to pick him up this ghost house thing at the pet store and they wanted 7 bucks for it, i said i'll just wait and see if there is something else i can get him. i know clear pvc would work, but i wont be able to getthat for a little while anyways since i can't get to the harware store for afew days at least. i notice now that i look at him he kinda keeps himself in tight places where he barely fits into. i do have plenty of "cave-like" things for him to go into, so maybe its jsut time for him to find them.

thanks for the help and the quick response.

edit: i know people feed these guys by hand... i was wondering how you go about this process. do i jsut put it in front of his mouth? do i use tweezers? i see some people holding it in their hand, do they jsut swim into it after they get comfortable i nthe tank they are in? i can't imagine how the frozen or even live foods will get to him. the other fish in my tank will eat it and he ill never get food. i dont want him to starve to death. please help me on this too... thanks
ok i got more problems. he is jsut laying on his side and isn't moving much at all. i went to see if he is ok and he swam around a bit, so i took him into a net to see if he was breathing alright or if there were any marks on him, he looked fine. when i let him loose he jsut fell down, he didnt swim at all down. is this all normal? was he sleeping. he started breathing heavy when he got to the bottom.

edit: he is dead. i don't know what happened, but he jsut died i don't know what i did wrong. he was fine a couple hours ago swimming around and everything and when i came back form doing errands he was dead. :-(
Nope not good at all. Sounds like there is something wrong. Are all the other fish ok?
Nope not good at all. Sounds like there is something wrong. Are all the other fish ok?

all my other fish are perfectly happy and healthy. i don't know what happened i acclimated him extra carefully because i knwo these thigns are sensitive and gave him plenty of hidig places to retreat during the day. he even was out before i left a few hours ago. i really don't know what could've happened

edit: i watched the other fish and noone ever bothered him.

i am wondering if he was jsut malnourished to badly. he was skinny when i bought him and jsut figured it was that. i wanted to wait a day (today) to feed him to make sure he was settled in and didnt stress from it. was he malnourished to the point where he had no strength and just died?

edit2: checked all my levels they are normal for adding a fish to a tank all the same as yesterday hen i added him. nothing out of the ordinary.
did he have places to hide?

doesnt sound like he was very healthy to start with but then the tank move and stress of that probably finished him off.

also its probably best not to catch stressed fish in a net.

freaks em even more.

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