Bgk Fish In Community Tank With! :) (see Inside)


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Alright here is a list of whats in my 75g 24" tall tank...

2 Pink Gourami
2 Dwarf Gourami
1 Sunset Gourami
2 Opaline Gourami
2 Zebra Danios
1 Micky Platty
3 Black Skirt Tetras
5 Glass Tetras
2 Albino Tiger Barbs
2 Bala Sharks
3 Ghost Cats
2 Golden Killies
2 Beunos Aires Tetras
2 Plecos
2 long Finned Tetras
1 Synodontis

Alright... wheh sounds like a ton but they def have plenty of room and are very active...

The fish i'm worried about eating/disturbing the BGK would be the Pink Kissing Gouramis and the Synodontis as they are both ~4" in length and the synodontis realllly goes crazy over bloodworms and can eat 4 frozen cubes on his own when he is greedy...

Medium planted tank.. Gravel substrate. I would plan on getting more plants and a few of the hiding tubes for him and a log...

Whaddya think??? i'll try to upload pics later.

Ah! also forgot to mention i do plan on purchasing another tank in less than 6 months of Equal or greater size to possibly put him in a less populated tank later once he gets some size... the local fish store sells them around ~3-4".

Here are the pics... compatability seems 100% fine none of the fish are scared of each other the only 2 sets of fish that have any contact are the pinks and opaline and they its not cross species only w/ the other pink/opaline.



i'll leave the commenting of the stocking list to the others :lol:. the bkg will soon get big, and that'd be sooner than u think, judging from what you're feeding it. and after which, it would start to pick on the other fishes. especially at night.
That was wired, the forum just went down for a few minuets.

I am no expert on BGK. If I recall they can reach about 16", but don't hold me too that. By the time it is grown it will of eaten 75% of you fish. Also tetras and dainos need to be in groups of 6+ of their own kind. The bala sharks will get huge and aid you BGK in the removal of your other fish. There are other compatibility issues too. You need to do a bunch of research on all the fish you are interested in and make sure they are compatible with each other.
every post i've read u guys always say BUSY tank and fish arent compatible w/ each other...well we have no problems and have had them all in their for ~11 months.
every post i've read u guys always say BUSY tank and fish arent compatible w/ each other...well we have no problems and have had them all in their for ~11 months.

Sorry to sound harsh, but you asked what we thought about it. We gave you our opinions and now you seem unhappy about that. If you want to ignore us go right ahead, we can't stop you. The only thing you are going to be doing is buying the BGK and balas a lot of expensive food. Also is the tank in the pic the one you are talking about, cus it does not look like it is 75gal. What are the dimensions?
every post i've read u guys always say BUSY tank and fish arent compatible w/ each other...well we have no problems and have had them all in their for ~11 months.

Sorry to sound harsh, but you asked what we thought about it. We gave you our opinions and now you seem unhappy about that. If you want to ignore us go right ahead, we can't stop you. The only thing you are going to be doing is buying the BGK and balas a lot of expensive food. Also is the tank in the pic the one you are talking about, cus it does not look like it is 75gal. What are the dimensions?

only thing i'd be buying is BGK the fish listed are already in a tank for 11~ or so months now.. and seem fine..

Tank Dimensions are 48L x 20W x 24H
The BGK will get actually get around 20" when it is a adult. The balas will reach about 14". Almost all of your other fish will reach 2-5" :/ . They may not be doing anything now, but fish grow very quickly. And big fish eat little fish. You have two options, the best would be to take the balas back and add more of the fish you already have. The other would be to take back most of the fish except the balas and get the BGK. If you do this you would be about fully stocked. Also BGK's are nocturnal, so you are not going to see it during the day. It will be out at night hunting, and will make quick work of your sleeping fish.
The BGK will get actually get around 20" when it is a adult. The balas will reach about 14". Almost all of your other fish will reach 2-5" :/ . They may not be doing anything now, but fish grow very quickly. And big fish eat little fish. You have two options, the best would be to take the balas back and add more of the fish you already have. The other would be to take back most of the fish except the balas and get the BGK. If you do this you would be about fully stocked. Also BGK's are nocturnal, so you are not going to see it during the day. It will be out at night hunting, and will make quick work of your sleeping fish.

umm.. our balas are about a year old now and are only 4-5" or so... another person who has had theirs for 4 years are only 6-7" max... how do u get 14" out of a bala shark?

from reading i see they CAN reach up to 14" if they are constantly eating in a tank 300g or more and usually takes 10+ years to achieve that size... and this is w/ a special diet w/ beefhearts and other meat blended and frozen.
Saying the balas and BGK would eat all the fish isnt quite true, the smaller tetras will certainly be on the menu but i would expect the two golden wonder killies to finish those off long before the BGK gets large enough to eat them, and balas very very rarely eat fish, and if they do its normally accidental more than aggressive predatation.

I dont think the tank with its current stocking is suitable for a BGK or any other bottom dwelling oddball. You have a real mixture of mostly mid dwelling active fish which will make getting food down past them to the BGK quite difficult.
I also think that the tank is heavily stocked enough and adding more fish would not be wise at this point, most of those fish have yet to grow to adult size so the tank is going to get more crowded over time, 11 months is nothing in a fish keeping time scale, in 3 years it will be a very different looking tank.

The BGK will get actually get around 20" when it is a adult. The balas will reach about 14". Almost all of your other fish will reach 2-5" :/ . They may not be doing anything now, but fish grow very quickly. And big fish eat little fish. You have two options, the best would be to take the balas back and add more of the fish you already have. The other would be to take back most of the fish except the balas and get the BGK. If you do this you would be about fully stocked. Also BGK's are nocturnal, so you are not going to see it during the day. It will be out at night hunting, and will make quick work of your sleeping fish.

umm.. our balas are about a year old now and are only 4-5" or so... another person who has had theirs for 4 years are only 6-7" max... how do u get 14" out of a bala shark?

You keep them in a large tank and feed them well, in 4 years balas should definately be larger than 7 inches. 14" is a bit of an exageration but they should reach at least 12 inches in an aquarium.
Saying the balas and BGK would eat all the fish isnt quite true, the smaller tetras will certainly be on the menu but i would expect the two golden wonder killies to finish those off long before the BGK gets large enough to eat them, and balas very very rarely eat fish, and if they do its normally accidental more than aggressive predatation.

I dont think the tank with its current stocking is suitable for a BGK or any other bottom dwelling oddball. You have a real mixture of mostly mid dwelling active fish which will make getting food down past them to the BGK quite difficult.
I also think that the tank is heavily stocked enough and adding more fish would not be wise at this point, most of those fish have yet to grow to adult size so the tank is going to get more crowded over time, 11 months is nothing in a fish keeping time scale, in 3 years it will be a very different looking tank.

The BGK will get actually get around 20" when it is a adult. The balas will reach about 14". Almost all of your other fish will reach 2-5" :/ . They may not be doing anything now, but fish grow very quickly. And big fish eat little fish. You have two options, the best would be to take the balas back and add more of the fish you already have. The other would be to take back most of the fish except the balas and get the BGK. If you do this you would be about fully stocked. Also BGK's are nocturnal, so you are not going to see it during the day. It will be out at night hunting, and will make quick work of your sleeping fish.

umm.. our balas are about a year old now and are only 4-5" or so... another person who has had theirs for 4 years are only 6-7" max... how do u get 14" out of a bala shark?

You keep them in a large tank and feed them well, in 4 years balas should definately be larger than 7 inches. 14" is a bit of an exageration but they should reach at least 12 inches in an aquarium.

well atleast i get someone REASONABLE here wheh... yes i do think the tank is fine as it is i wasnt planning on adding anymore but! i used to have a BGK in there w/ alot less fish to start w/ and had these horrible fish u all probally know of... Red Bellied Pacus... they went from 2" to 10" in about 2 months... :shout: only eating algae wafers and frozen bloodworms... and well.. they kinda tore mr.bgk apart and i was very upset. As I had trained the BGK to come out in the day and eat from the top by hand.. but he was still a wee little guy.

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