My BGK fish got into a fight a while ago and since then i have put them in separate tanks. The smaller fish being in a tempo 3' tank till i can setup up a 5' in my lving room n house both the fish. Anyway the small Bgk suffered some injuries due to the fighting. I have posted 2 pics of the bitten part of his fin. it seems to bee healing but it has also developed a weird looking growth. Pls suggest some medication to speed up the healing process. The white spots are from the tank his skin is spotless.
My BGK fish got into a fight a while ago and since then i have put them in separate tanks. The smaller fish being in a tempo 3' tank till i can setup up a 5' in my lving room n house both the fish. Anyway the small Bgk suffered some injuries due to the fighting. I have posted 2 pics of the bitten part of his fin. it seems to bee healing but it has also developed a weird looking growth. Pls suggest some medication to speed up the healing process. The white spots are from the tank his skin is spotless.