Bga Treatment And Adf's


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Columbia, SC, USA
After increasing the lighting on my 46g planted tank I've had a pretty severe blue-green algae infestation. I've been reading up on the problem and have decided that the best course of action at this point is to try to treat the BGA with myacin (erythromycin). I have two ADF's in the tank. I know the frogs are more sensitive to medication than fish are but I haven't been able to find any specific information on erythromycin. Does anyone know if this antibiotic is safe for frogs?
I don't like using drugs on frogs because they absorb the medication through their skin. I would try to get rid of the algae through more natural methods. Do daily partial water changes and gravel cleans and try to syphon any of the stuff out. Also wipe it off the glass and wash any ornaments each day to get rid of it. Increase aeration and water movement and cut back on the feeding, particularly of dry foods.

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