Big fish
okay Ive got a bronze puffer who isnt a very good eater, he eats snails when there tiny and he will eat frozen BS but hes just not very motivated he eats flake too but just little tiny bits. He is in with one ZD (its a fry that untill recently was too small to go in with the others) two endler fry, a male and female endler,a small platy, and a Dwarf frog; a weak ago he bit twice into the platties tail and once into the FE's, Came home today to find all of the FE's fins except the anal gone to nothing more than a few points (the exact size of the puffer beak) thats all of them, no swimming at all, shes been a picky eater since I got her, I'm sure she was raised on Blood worms I put her in my 12 gallon blood worm culture and hopefully she will eat her self to health but she has no fins so she cant swim. I hope she lives, thats what she gets for hanging around with a puffer (they look very similar, different face and he has a shorter body but there the same color and have fins of the same shape) But I'm rambleing, Be careful!