Better Shells


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I've been noticing in my 10gal shrimp/snail tank that the trumpet snails' shells are looking pretty weird. Like they're not forming fully. The tips on them seem to be open if that makes any sense. They're also looking a bit more squat and shorter than they used to. Just wondering if there is a certain something I could add to the water or start feeding them to help w/ shell quality.

Right now I feed the tank Hikari Crab Cuisine every other day. It says it helps w/ shell development, but *shrugs* I def feed the tank plenty even though there are a ton of snails in the tank (along w/ the shrimp that munch on the food as well).
I've been noticing in my 10gal shrimp/snail tank that the trumpet snails' shells are looking pretty weird. Like they're not forming fully. The tips on them seem to be open if that makes any sense. They're also looking a bit more squat and shorter than they used to. Just wondering if there is a certain something I could add to the water or start feeding them to help w/ shell quality.

Right now I feed the tank Hikari Crab Cuisine every other day. It says it helps w/ shell development, but *shrugs* I def feed the tank plenty even though there are a ton of snails in the tank (along w/ the shrimp that munch on the food as well).
Try a small piece of cuttlebone, the kind used for budgies and turtles. Might have to weigh it down if it floats. Use it for my African land snails as an excelent source of calcium for shells
tums. excellent calcium and they will eat it. i tried cuttle bone and had no takers (for trumpets and mystery snails)
all the best
Tums huh. I will definitely give it a try.

Thank you both for the suggestions :)
I've used cuttle fish, however one tank devoured it, the other 2 didn't bother really.

what sort of snails in each tank out of curiosity?

The two that weren't (or didn't look like they were touched) have nerites in, the one that was eaten has apple snails and sulawesi snails (both types ate it), which I was suprised at since I'd read on here that most don't.
Okedoke. So got some Tums finally. The fruit flavored variety. And seems to be a big hit in the tank lol. I think it took them a little while to realize that it was food, but now, there are large clumps of snails in the spots I put them.

So 2 more questions.
How often should I feed them Tums?
Will the shrimp eat it as well?
I would supplement once a week or every other week and see if there is improvement in the condition of the shells. As trumpet snails age, often they dont have the nice point on the end, ends up kinda being a blunt end with a dimple. Its normal...unless you want show quality snails :lol:
glad theyve taken a liking to them. just dont over do it and give too much. Maybe the night before a waterchange would be good, but ive not had a problem with using tums in my tanks when the snails need a calcium boost.
Yeah, I've noticed that with the older big snails, but the young ones are having that problem as well. Except it's not just a dimple or smooth end, most that I've looked at have holes at the tip.
So yep, hopefully the tums helps :D
Just wanted to give a quick update.
The tums are working great. Gave the tank another yesterday.
Only problem is that it is making the water cloudy. It clears up within 2 days but still. I'll have to do it once a week. Maybe the day before a water change or something.

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