Better Late Than Never I Hope

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Although I joined the forum a couple of years ago I've never really posted,
the reason for that is my own uncertainty about
1) the tinternet and
2) I'm not always sure about what I'm trying to find out-

after six years it still feels like I'm finding it all out, not from scratch mind you, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the academia of it all, not really understanding it but having enough success to at least say that I'm competent in keeping a relatively healthy environment for da fishes. No ones perfect and know I'm standing on the abyss- but a cool abyss- something that's full of potential aesthetic goodness- not like a horrible black hole abyss, sorry I'm havering but what I meaning to say is

that over the past couple of years I've been following mainly the planted forums but all of them through the search thread thingy and always found the site to be a fantastic source of information that's always helped me out of my direst fish keeping moments, well not when the hoses came of the external and flooded my folks carpet- and so much for the cats no liking the fish- they could've let it drain but went and woke them up! again I slaver

but whenever I really need to find stuff out I've followed other folks threads who had the bottle to put them up and there are too many to mention but would like to say a big thank you to everyone who keeps it ticking over. there are other places to go of course, but it's a really pleasant atmosphere and good environment to learn and you're always the first place I turn so thought it about time i said ta

Ta muchly
Welcome McG. I am not sure I ever introduced myself either. I tend to just jump in and help where I can. It's a small defect in my character but I do try to overcome it sometimes. Other times I find I just don't care.
Evening guys and cheers for the welcome - I felt a bit cheeky just posting but no introducing myself

now I have seems to have been a bit of a free for all. also sound a bit like you truck my enthusiasm passes in waves

Hope all's good with y'all

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