hi all, this has turned into a long coffee break. [beats housework any time] it the only time i get a look in on the net for long. i thought i would have a look in on the betta section,i have read loads of posts and im convinced i just have to have a betta .now i have a whole load of questions . i have a 40 inch comunity but i am not sure about a betta in there as i have neons and danios , so from previous posts that seems a no go.. will they live with corydoras happily, i think i may be having another tank coming my way soon, im not sure of its capacity but its quite big and a hexagon , slighty taller than wide. now im wondering about setting this up with a male betta and? ?,any suggestions.. last question ,i know every fish is individual but do betta like the same conditions as a usual community tank ..... thank you in anticipation pebbles