

Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
buckinghamshire ,england
hi all, this has turned into a long coffee break. [beats housework any time] it the only time i get a look in on the net for long. i thought i would have a look in on the betta section,i have read loads of posts and im convinced i just have to have a betta .now i have a whole load of questions . i have a 40 inch comunity but i am not sure about a betta in there as i have neons and danios , so from previous posts that seems a no go.. will they live with corydoras happily, i think i may be having another tank coming my way soon, im not sure of its capacity but its quite big and a hexagon , slighty taller than wide. now im wondering about setting this up with a male betta and? ?,any suggestions.. last question ,i know every fish is individual but do betta like the same conditions as a usual community tank ..... thank you in anticipation pebbles
betta are very hardy and can pretty much adjust to lots of water situations, but I've heard they do go well with cories,never tried it myself,mine lived with some clown loaches for awhile and they got along, but as you said it depends on the fishes personality. My betta refused to accept anything he didn't understand, especially my little otto :( , he would pester him all day and snap at him until one day the otto just disappeared :sly:

betta can go with lots of fish, just nothing with long fins or aggressive natures, but keep in mind that you could get several females instead of a male and put them in a tank together, I have two females but they're terrible beggars, worse than all of my guys :rolleyes:
I keep cory's with my betta and they get on just fine. Samatrah has never even flared up at the cory's altough has killed platy's and sword tails. they are very hearty fish as long as you get a healthy one. examine him very closely before buying as there are many ill looking bettas in the stores these days. for both bettas I have there was over 3 hours of selection form 4 Lfs' to find good finnage and healthy fish.
I also have a ramshorn snail in the betta tank. my cory's terrorize the snail, the betta protects it. when he sleeps he will cover the snail with his long fins like he usedto do to my whiptail cat before he died (body fungus)
i kno this is off topic but tanker and tanked r different users! :hyper: alot of ppl calls tanked, tanker :angry: which i think is pretty funny

Pebbles :no: betas like calm tanks.Corydoras are so busy that my beta kept fear stripes until i moved them from that tank.Danios are too busy also.Betas like a more peaceful tank.I have 3 females in my 20 gal with headtail tetras and false siamese algae eaters.Their color are so beautifl now........Fear stripes=horizonal lines and their color gets so drab.Thats how you can tell if your beta is stressed.

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