Ive been researching so much about my pending new fish tank (a 29 gallon- see posts below) and my daughter (age 10) was peering over my shoulder and gasped with delight when she saw a photo of a beta. "I want one of those mom!" she cried. "please? please? please? Ill pay for it myself!".
How could I not understand the enthusiasm. So together we did a tiny bit of research and decided to get her a 5 gallon "bookshelf type" tank and one male betta. Of course, then I decided to get one too. grin. So...Can we put 3 cories in the bottom of a 5 gallon tank with a beta? We saw the All Glass Mini Bow 5 (in teal and rose) on a petstore website and thought it looked perfect. Its just about $40.00 which is kind of reaonable I thought. It dosnt have a heater, but I read you can purchase an inexpensive heater at walmart for that kind of tank. It comes with a whisper filter (which we read was the best for bettas) and a light and a lid (important as we have 4 cats who would be very interested in a betta snack-grin). We keep the house chilly- 66 in winter- so we def. would need the heater.
So, does this sound like a good idea AND can we put the cories in the 5 gallon with the beta? Oh, and would this tank need to be cycled whether we add the cories or not?
Thanks again! This site (and people on it) are just fabulous!!!
Asparagus Nancy
How could I not understand the enthusiasm. So together we did a tiny bit of research and decided to get her a 5 gallon "bookshelf type" tank and one male betta. Of course, then I decided to get one too. grin. So...Can we put 3 cories in the bottom of a 5 gallon tank with a beta? We saw the All Glass Mini Bow 5 (in teal and rose) on a petstore website and thought it looked perfect. Its just about $40.00 which is kind of reaonable I thought. It dosnt have a heater, but I read you can purchase an inexpensive heater at walmart for that kind of tank. It comes with a whisper filter (which we read was the best for bettas) and a light and a lid (important as we have 4 cats who would be very interested in a betta snack-grin). We keep the house chilly- 66 in winter- so we def. would need the heater.
So, does this sound like a good idea AND can we put the cories in the 5 gallon with the beta? Oh, and would this tank need to be cycled whether we add the cories or not?
Thanks again! This site (and people on it) are just fabulous!!!
Asparagus Nancy