

New Member
Aug 19, 2004
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I want to put another fish in a bowl with my betta. My Question is Should I put another
fish in with him ? And what type of fish?=blue] :thumbs: :unsure: :drool:
simese fighters can go comunity tanks and you can add as long as your bowl is not too small they usually bash other fish that resemble themselvs ie other fish with long flowy fins a stab points me to a cory. he will help to keep it clean to.
heh when i had my 32 gallon set up id put my betta in it while i cleaned his tank and my moolies would pick at his fins (nothing bad) until 1 day he got sick of it and chased them off whenever they got close :lol:

sorry. meant to say it was a little off topic :/
unless the bowl is rather large (5 gallons or more), you cant put another fish in with your betta.
in a 5 gal+, you could do 3 dwarf cories (or more-no less, depending on how big the tank is..)

remember that bettas need a heating element and if the bowl isnt in an extremely warm room, your betta could easily get sick. :(
hiya jacblades, if your bowl is fairly small, but ur worried hes lonely, how abt neons, or other SMALL tetras, ones that dont get very big at all.

DO NOT put mollys, guppies, gouramis, platies, swordtails or any other brightly coloured fish in with him, he will go spare, and more than likely have his fins chewed! also, dont get a female betta to join him, as he will hound her, until she dies, or fights back and kills him.

if you wanted a tank mate to do some cleaning for your betta, how abt a small cory, or a sucking loach ? ive also heard that apple snails go well with bettas, providing there is enough room, as ive heard of sum1 on here whos snail clamped the betta between his shell and body, which wasnt nice, so its mainly down to size of his home, as to who can move in with him.

Hope this helps you out.

Keep us updated with who u decide to be ur bettas new tank mate!

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