

New Member
Jun 14, 2004
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;) how many bettas can i have in a 10 gal. tank?? i have 4 tiger barbs in it right now, but one of them has swim bladder syndrome...i guess. Neways.. i think i want a change and i was just curious about bettas. oh, um if i cant have more than one, what else could i put with it? the only fish place i live fairly close to is a Walmart..... so i dont exactly have the greatest choice of fish in the world... Help me please!!! :-(
Hi Ladycat :hi: Welcome to the forum!

If you are considering putting more than one betta in your tank, you need to be careful of a few things.

1. Male bettas are aggressive and will fight/kill each other.
2. Male bettas will mate with the female bettas and/or kill her when they're done.
3. Betta fry (babies) require special care and are not easy to breed.

So my advice would be to only get one betta.
or ya could go with females...

you could keep 4 passive female bettas together in a 10 gallon tank provided there are some hiding places...

you could keep a male betta and lets say 4 corydoras (catfish) in the tank..

were you thinking males? or females?
I have a ten gallon that is divided into three compartments and has 3 male bettas in it. That works well. Even though they aren't together, the tank is very active and colorful. :nod:

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