

Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2004
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Trumbull CT
I read in a book that you can feed your fish a little piece of lettuce, but is it good for bettas? im kind of confused :S becuase some books tell me that they can eat mosquito larvae caught in a rain bucket, some tell me they cant. i just got one so i want whats best for him (his name is stewart) and how do u know their age? :)
Not to sure about the lettuce, only feed my bettas flakes, bloodworms, and brineshrimp. It is also hard to tell there age. usually the older they are the darker and the fins are more dark and look heavier.
just get betta bites.......much easier to feed them........but then agen all bettas are picky
my betta i called firestorm cool ay? hehe
well anyway he luvs frozen blood worm same with the rest of them (nameless cause i only just got them a week ago.. btw any suggestions for a name for a blue betta? :D )
Lettuce is only suggested for times when you notice your betta may be experiencing constipation (peas have the same relieving effect). Anyhow it isn't any good as a staple food because of the lack of nutrition. I feed Hikari bio-gold and find that my betta's love it, you can give them treats every once and a while like brine shrimp etc... I stay away from live or frozen because i am scared of parasites etc... and opt to use freeze dried but you have to be careful to not overfeed freeze dried foods or you will be needing that lettuce! A while back there was a big post on whether or not to feed mosquito larve people had differing opinions about the risk i personally wouldn't do it because of the element of risk involved but it can be done i suppose. Congrats on your new betta! :D
i heard that frozen bloodworms go through an xray before they are sent to the shops and that they are all checked for parasites

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