Bettas with other fish?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I'd like to add a pair of Bettas to my tank. I have a 10 gallon (I'm a newbie), with a pair of guppies and a few neon tetras. I'm also thinking of adding a few goldfish (the bubble-eyed ones maybe). I guess I need to know how many fish to put in there total, and if it would be ok to add a male betta and possibly a female betta.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but generally 2 bettas of any type - regardless of sex - can not be put together. If it's 2 males, they'll fight and end up severely injuring or killing each other. Same story, I guess, with a male/female combo. And with 2 females, generally there is one dominant one and one that gets harrassed constantly.

As far as putting bettas in with other things - some people will say they are okay community fish, but I, personally, would never put a male betta in with anything except maybe an african dwarf frog and/or some white clouds. Their temperment is just too risky to "test out", unless you have a backup plan in the event you'd have to pull him from the tank.

If you're going to have guppies in the tank, bettas are also a really bad idea because they're very nippy and will probably end up killing them.

More bad news - you won't be able to add the goldfish in with the other fish you're thinking of because the goldfish is very much a cold water fish, while the others are tropicals. There is at least a 10 degree difference in the water temp that each likes to have. Also the goldfish will produce too much waste to be in with other fish in a tank that size. :/

Have you cycled your tank? How long has it been set up?
bubble eyes should be in a species tank. warmer temps dont really bother them, just that they crap alot. betta are fine with anything that doesnt have a big tail, or colorful tail, or anything that looks like another betta, or is another betta.
Bettas are a no-no with Tetras. Tetras will nip at a Betta's delicate flowing fins until there is nothing left. Bettas also aren't very good with Guppies...they have a tendency to confuse the male Guppy especially with one of their own species, and will fight to the death with them. Then again, there's also the occasional male that will snuggle up in a plant with a female Guppy (one of mine did that), but it's better not to risk it.

The Guppies would be happiest with at least three of their number. The Tetras should be kept at least 6 of them. And that should put you up to your stocking limit in a 10 gallon tank.

But feel free to go out and buy a 2.5 gallon and put a Betta in there (just one, either male or female). They LOVE that. In a 2.5 gallon, you can also add such things as a snail, and African Dwarf Frogs (you can add just one, but they are happier with at least 2 of their number).
Hello, I have four harlequin tetras with my betta. But I'm wondering if I should put them in my larger tanks. The betta I have (unable to think of a a name) chases them around. He can't catch them tho :lol: and never flares at them. I'm just not sure how stressful it is for my tetras because when it comes to feeding I have to keep my betta distracted with his own food cuz when he sees my tetras eating he starts the chase...It hasn't disrupted them from eating because he can only chase one at a time so they still eat plenty. Do you guys think I should take my tetras out of this tank? :unsure:
red-devil0602 said:
Also isn't there something about goldfish being toxic to tropicals :unsure:
the goldfishes slime coat is highly toxic to most tropical fish
I'm pretty sure the tetras dont nip at my betta though...He is the one that chases them not vice versa. His fins look great :thumbs: I'm just worried about the health of my tetras if his chasing them will somehow stress them about a bunch?
I think it would stress them out a bit. Sounds like the Betta's having an awful lot of fun, though! But you should probably separate them. Better safe than sorry.
well, my tank is only about 2 weeks old. It hasn't cycled yet, which I am learning a great deal about on this site. (Thanks!) I guess I'll just keep the guppies and neon and add 1 more of the first and 4-5 more of the second, though I've heard neons are weak and wonder if I should try a stronger fish instead.
With the Betta though, if I put him in a bowl by himself, should I add a plant (I've thought about some of the heavenly/lucky bamboo) or a bubbler? It'd seem to me he'd need some oxygen from somewhere. I've seen the vases with the peace lilies in them.. do those have good oxygen levels? Also, how would feed it/clean the water?
Thanks for all the help!
I'd be lost without this site! :dunno:
fishwatcher said:
With the Betta though, if I put him in a bowl by himself, should I add a plant (I've thought about some of the heavenly/lucky bamboo) or a bubbler? It'd seem to me he'd need some oxygen from somewhere. I've seen the vases with the peace lilies in them.. do those have good oxygen levels? Also, how would feed it/clean the water?
The betta should be in no less than 1 gal, and 2+ gal is even better. PLEASE don't go with the plant and vase. If you look at some of the previous posts here about them you will learn more than you ever wanted to know about how horrible they are. You should put a plant in with a betta for him to rest on, but it should either be silk or live, no plastic as they will tear fins up in a hurry, they also like little caves or arches to swim and hide in.

They are fine without a bubbler. Bettas have a special organ that allow them to breathe air from the surface, but they still also get some from the water. Please read the pinned articles on betta care for more information. A bubbler is not necessary and will stress some bettas out. I have one that hates current and will lie at the bottom of the tank if there is any current at all. If you do not use a filter you will need to do at least weekly 100% water changes. I do 50% on Wednesdays and 100% on Saturdays.

I also have read many suggestions about keeping ghost shrimp and ADF's with bettas. If you try either of them watch very closely. I had one betta die from eating ghost shrimp and not being able to pass the waste. I have another one that ate his ghost shrimp tank mates and then tried to eat the ADF before I could get it out. Luckily I knew how tempermental he was and was keeping a close eye on him.

They are beautiful fish with great personalities and I highly recommend them, just do a little research on them especially the pinned articles here and you will have a happy healthy betta!
Just to let you all know, I found an almost-2-gallon "Brandy snifter" shaped bowl to house my betta in. He's a beautiful red-fade-to-teal color. I've named him Sushi, by the way. (yeah, it may sound kind of mean, but I used to have a pot-bellied pig named Pork Chop, too. I still loved him!) Anyway, I went with an assortment of river stones (black) and smaller round flat marble-type stones in different colors. The look is pretty cool. I put in a small Amazon sword, a small Java Fern and piece of water wisteria. I'm hoping at least one of these will work out good. He's already swimming around like the king of the castle, and though I doubt it's a bubblenest, he has spit out a few small bubbles to the surface. Hopefully that's a good sign!
I bought some floating pellets for him... is there any other kind of food I should use?
Thanks for all your help!

Frozen/live bloodworms, frozen/live adult brine shrimp, live blackworms, frozen daphnia, and peas are all good additions to a Betta's diet. :)
Sounds like you have a pretty good setup for your betta :)
If those plants are live they're going to need a good source of light, though, like a florescent lamp. If you don't want to bother with that you can put the plants in your 10 gallon (and buy it florescent bulbs if it doesn't have florescent lighting already,) and get the betta a silk plant -- not a plastic plant, though, because those can tear a betta's delicate fins :nod:

Edit: Dyslexic moment :S

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