Bettas With Ich.


New Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I was looking at my 2 beautiful bettas today and noticed that both of them have got white spots on them. Im assuming this is ich as they look like tiny grains of salt and look much like pictures i have seen of fish with ich. They are currently housed in a divided 4 gallon that is heated and filtered.
I have some medication stuff called Aqua-Cycline Tablets.
On the bottle it says its a broad spectrum antibiotic for the treatment of diseases in ornamental fresh and salt water aquarium fish caused by tetracycline sensitive bacteria and to dose at a rate of 1 tablet per 20 liters.

My question is, would these be a suitable medicine to get rid of the white spot? One of the siamese fighters was only bought 3 days ago and has got some tears in his fins aswell.

Should i maybe just put some aquarium salt in the water and see if that fixes them?

Well Could you tell us your tank stats and tank sizes that would help a lot. I used a stuff a really long time ago called ich begone. i olny had an encounter with ich once so im not sure if its still out there. hopefully someone else will have better info. Good luck!
use jungle brand!!
they work really well treatment only takes 2 day!!!
jungle brand has many kinds of cure for fish problems!!!!
get one that clears ich!!!
hope this post helps.
they sell this product at wal-mart near the fish!!
Not sure they sell that brand in australia. And we dont have wal-mart here either.
Tank is a divided 4g. Filtered and heated.
Not sure on tank stats. Only have a ph test kit :blush: bad i know. Test kits dont come cheap and my parents think they're a waste of money :angry:
Is there any other meds you can suggest? Maybe melafix or pimafix?
Ill call my lfs tomorrow and see what they recommend.

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