Bettas w/ Tiger Barbs


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
I am interested in getting a betta for my tank, but I want to make sure that I'm not doing anything horribly stupid. Here is my setup:

55 USG Aquarium with a rocky substrate.

Temp around 74F

4 Molly
3 Tiger Barb

Also live plants are slowly being added

Just wondering if anybody has any experience mixing these fish with a betta.
I'm not sure about bettas + tiger barbs.....

okay heres a simplier way to say this

Betta+tiger barbs or fin nipping fish= Damaged Fins and sometimes death

imo and ime I wouldnt do that unless your tank is very very very VERY huge and has lots of hiding spaces
Tiger barbs are one of the worst fin nippers of all, and bettas have long tempting fins. Not a good mix :no: Buuuuut, bettas are quite content in 1 gal tanks, so don't shy away from getting one if you have a little space :nod:
I know tigers barbs have to tendancy to fin nip...but only when kept in the wrong conditions...I currently have 9 Tiger barbs in a 75gal with 1 three spot blue Gourami( a common tiger no no ) and 2 Keyhole cichlids which are rather slow moving and have longish fins aswell...I've never had a problem..Now im not saying you should do this..But i just want to stick up for the Tigers :D and say its not impossible. If it were me i'd try and watch carefully! just my 2 cents.
No offense to tiger barbs here :p I have a species tank of them and they are awesome :flex: I just wouldn't mix them, but then again, I'm not a fan of bettas in communities either :shifty:
Ya...bettas are a solo fish when they come to mind for me...and im glad you like Tiger's...they have a bad rap im tellin ya!! :p
Sorrell said:
Tiger barbs are one of the worst fin nippers of all,
Are you nuts??!?!?! Tiger barbs are Excellent fin nippers! :) Those 3 will have a field day attacking the bettas since there aren't enough tiger barbs in the group (need at least 7) to pass around the aggression. The long-finned betta will be at a disadvantage because his fins will act like a parachute under water. Maybe a plakat would be possible, yes?
from my experience the Tiger Barb will knock the snot out of the betta fin nipping and such, usually until the betta is eventually dead. :crazy:
I keep bettas in with my barbs and no problems, males and females. They're both terrified of each other in my tanks though. Everyone has a different experience though. I personally wouldn't recommend it because of the fin nipping, but if you have the barbs that I have it's a different story. :/ Sorry not much help since for some reason my fish are all a "special" case... :dunno:

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