Betta's Tail Is Like A Weight!


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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Opal, one of my sorority girls, has been having a problem. She swims like her tail is being pulled down, with her nose is the air. She gets really tired swimming like this, and rests on the hornwort almost constantly.
What is wrong??
None of the others have this problem.
Gennerally swimming/balance issues are related to swim bladder problems. Usually this is the symptom of something else such as internal parasites/worms, some form of infection or constipation. The latter is often the most common cause. Diagnosing this is easy- the fish will not be pooping and eventually will bloat up and stop eating.
Diagnosing internal parasites can normally be done because it will cause stringy and white colored poop. Worms are harder as usually there are usually no visable signs except for Camallanus where you will see them hanging out the anus.
Bacterial infections are often not in the swim bladder. Instead they are nearby which can cause internal swelling which then puts pressure on the bladder.
As you can see, diagnosing can be an issue. And this is all complicated by such problems being caused by brain damage usually caused by a startled fish bolting head first into the glass. Unless you witness this, you would have little way to know it happened. Unfortunately, I had this happen with a lovely discus. It spent the final half year of its life in its own tank living facing down as it could not right itself. If you betta is in with other fish I would suggest moving it to an H tank so there is no danger of other fish going after it.  This will just stress her and that, in turn, will further weaken her immune system.
In my early years of keeping bettas, I've seen this to be a case of something water or diet related. Dunno if TTA and I are describing the same issue but mine does not keep the head above, just the fin dragging.

I've remedied mine by administering 2 pinches of salt every other day and keeping the water more soft/acidic than usual/previous water and feeding fruit flies instead of the usual fish foods. Fins were back to normal and operational around 2-3 weeks of treatment.
I'll try to get Azul out his tank soon so I can use it a H tank.
I actually think she may have hit her head...she's eating like a normal piggy betta, and isn't bloating. :/
It is possible that it is damage to the swim bladder from fighting.  Bettas do body damage when fighting which can affect swimming if it gets bad enough.  Since she is in a sorority there is a high chance this might have happened.  While all bettas are big jumpers, domestic bettas are not as prone to do it as often so I would be surprised if it came from hitting her head from jumping.  I would just watch her and make sure she continues to eat and be active.

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