Bettas Pouncing On Food


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok I was feeding my bettas this morning and my females started to jump onto the frozen tubifex worms before attacking it like a shark would! I've never seen them do this before is it normal? Or do I just have shark related bettas! Another thing they will do is steal the sinking wafers that I put in the tank all you'll see is this green thing wizz by it's kind of amuzing to watch! But I feel sorry for my plec and cory's as they never seem to get a look in!
Yes quite a few of mine jump up to the food sending it flying and missing it :lol:

Mine also pinch the cories and plecs sinking wafers so have to put them in after lights out when its dark :shifty:
Hmm thats a good way to keep them off the food the greedy little things! but it is funny to see them chasing each other with the food!
three of mine do that. my newest plakat will clear the water for food!
hehe it's funny.
They just look so daft when they do it esp as they never used to do it before! Its just started last couple of days! Best is when another one is bellow the food and one jumps out and lands on top of the other! I can only imagine what they are saying to each other when that happens!
I think that may also be a sign that the little monsters are very comfortable with the surroundings and the one who feeds them. I may be wrong, but they seem happy when they do that.

I use a small stick when feeding thawed bloodworms. They attack the stick in mid-air with such gusto! :lol:
Hmmm that sounds fun! Mine only ever get fresh bloodworms that I hand pick from the pond! Might see if they'll take it from fingers! I know they enjoy attacking my fingers if they go in the tank!

I never used to like bettas but now they are def my fav fish both male and female are great!
You should try feeding them fruitflies if you want to see them jump, my god they practically leap out of the water !!! :blink:
One of mine who's in with a frog seems to get really mad when I drop in sinking stuff and am not feeding him. I noticed the pellets get ravaged right away probably not by the frog either. Hope she doesn't starve to death! I don't know if there's a way of being more sneaky about it or not in a 10 gallon tank. My goldfish used to ravage the algae eater's wafers too. None of these fish seem to heed the writing on the package do they? :lol:
I use chopsticks to feed bloodworms etc. can be great fun having them tugged out of my grip. works with my angels too and i can see they get fair shares.
I feed the bottom folk their feed after lights out too - and hope for the best!
Chance always does this!! He does it especially when he thinks I should have fed him earlier :) He is a bossy little fish!! He will sneak up on the food, and then "pounce" on it -- I think he's really a miniature shark.....
Mine get fed bloodworms straight from the pond! They only get the biggest and juciest ones that I can find even if it means that I have to freeze my fingers off lol!

I decided to hold a bit of tubifex slightly above the surface they nearly took my fingers off and again this morning when I put in their food one of the females practically jumped out!

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