bettas of siamese fighting fish with livebearers


New Member
Jan 23, 2005
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hey i have been told that betta males will live in a community tank with mollies and platies is this true also can any one please tell me if betta males are compatible with these fish:

2 red honey gouramis
2 serpae tetras
1 shadow tetra
8 neon tetras
2 female rams
1 male ram
6 mollies
1 platy
2 male guppies
3 otocinclus
2 harlequin rasboras

please tell me if a betta can go with these fish i've always wanted a betta

that looks like it would work ok. how big are the gouramis? don't put him in if they are to big, it will cause trouble. i know some on here will say not to. but as i had said before do some trials with him and see if he does ok with them. if he doesn't just take him out.
I wouldn't try putting a betta with guppy's. The betta probably will attack them and rip them to shreds.

Edit - If you want a betta, why not get him his own 2 gallon tank? :thumbs:
yes becarefull wif the gouramis as i have just found out. i put one of my males into a tank with two gouramis and within 10 minutes the big moonlight decided he was hungry and ripped some of the tail fin straight of of him :(:( . Hes ok now as he has gone bak to his normall tank :D
dragon0192 said:
hey i have been told that betta males will live in a community tank with mollies and platies is this true also can any one please tell me if betta males are compatible with these fish:

2 red honey gouramis
2 serpae tetras
1 shadow tetra
8 neon tetras
2 female rams
1 male ram
6 mollies
1 platy
2 male guppies
3 otocinclus
2 harlequin rasboras

please tell me if a betta can go with these fish i've always wanted a betta

First of all, what size is this tank going to be? because it sounds like a lot of fish to me. Here is my opinion:

2 red honey gouramis- No because they are a labrynth fish and so are bettas. You're supposed to only keep one kind of labrynth fish to a tank. My betta killed my gourami within one day in a community tank.
2 serpae tetras- Make sure these tetras are not known for nipping fins. They'd probably love snacking on the betta's tail. And most tetras like to be in larger schools so if you do end up getting them I'd get like 5 or 6 depending on the tank size.
1 shadow tetra- Again, tetras need to be in schools, so stick with ONE type of tetras, or a few small groups if you have a larger tank. IMO a bigger group of one type looks better.
8 neon tetras- Neons are known fin nippers and may rip your betta's fins to shreds. My neons left my male betta alone, but that doesn't mean they will leave yours alone.
2 female rams- If they are blue rams, they are VERY colorful and the male betta may think of them as a threat. I would leave these out as well.
1 male ram- Same as above.
6 mollies- I kept a dalmation molly with my betta and they seemed to get along really well and even swam together. But I am not sure if that goes for all bettas and mollies.
1 platy- Platies are usually brightly colored, so again the betta may attack it due to thinking it is compitition. Plus, I'd get like 2 platies atleast as they seem happier with their own company. Although I wouldn't get platies if you're putting a betta in there.
2 male guppies- DEFINATELY NO. My betta killed 2 male guppies in one night.
3 otocinclus- These are VERY fragile fish and need a very mature tank. They seem to do okay with bettas.
2 harlequin rasboras- These need to be in a larger group as well, I'd skip them if you are only planning on getting two.

If you plan to get a female betta instead, they can be kept with pretty much anything on your list except the gouramis. But remember some females may kill all the fish in your tank like a male. All of my females are very nice to my other community fish.
Raechal said:
If you plan to get a female betta instead, they can be kept with pretty much anything on your list except the gouramis. But remember some females may kill all the fish in your tank like a male. All of my females are very nice to my other community fish.
Female bettas don't work with guppy's either :p
well my gouramis are small and have quite small trailing fins, same with the guppies, and tetras don't nip fins. so not sure really, and im planning to get a few more fish, including another shadow tetra, and platy and also i want to try and sell or trade my big dalmation mollies as they are quite large and they seem to be very big eaters.

Is it right that i should sell or trade a fish if it becomes too big for my tank and housemates

oh and is it ok if i keep a betta in a goldfish bowl in a warm room, i used to have a goldfish there and the water was always too warm for the goldfish, i had to give him away. Maybe a betta could live there, but i'd prefer him to be a tank with filtration and heating
I have a few of my male bettas in 1 gallon bowls :) As long as its at a warm constant temp he will be fine with water changes every 2-3 days

If you do decide to put him in with your other fish, keep a very close eye on him. I made the mistake of putting a female betta in with a male guppy and about a week later she was dragging the guppy by his tail around the tank. It's always best to have a back up tank for a betta (which you obviously already do) so I say, you can try it but I'm not sure what will happen, just keep a very close eye on it. If things go wrong, move the betta into the bowl :thumbs:
some platys nip!
gouramis and bettas may fight coz they are both laberenth fishes
the neons will annoy the betta and he may attack them
the activeness of tetras can stress bettas
IMO guppies are a no no with bettas!the betta will mistake the guppy for another betta and rip off its tail or kill kit(happened to me!)

rams,too colourful for a betta

why not get him his own little tank with an ADF or snail?
bettas in communtiys are very risky
well based on what everyone has said, unless i buy a new tank i can never hope of puting a betta in a nice filtered tank with tankmates. It's a shame that i didn't know bettas were so difficult i would have not bought my livebearers, but if i can't get a betta my gourami's are nice anyway, they are colourful and always seem to be happy.

Oh how can i clean a fish tank with a siphone etc, if i have some small baby fish in a net attached to the tank. Also if i put the betta in a goldfish bowl, changing it twice a week where do i put the betta while the tank is being cleaned or water changed.

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