Bettas Laying On Bottom


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2005
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Hiya everyone, I haven't posted on here in ages. I have stepped into the reef world, and I've had no free time to be on here lately. Anyways as of late I have had two friends come to me concerned about their bettas. Both were pretty much looking and behaving the same way. Laying on the bottom, swimming kind of sideways, acting like it took all of their energy to swim to the top. They were both in small containers that needed to be cleaned probably every other day, and I seriously doubt that was happening. Anyways I kept one for about a week and cleared up what seemed to be some kind of fungus. The one I just saw today for the first time also has what appears to be a fungus. Both are said to be nearly 2-4 years old. They are very large boys, and just seem to be getting tired and worn out. Anyways any help would be appreciated. Do you think adding a little salt would be enough. I really don't think it's a great idea to medicate with melafix an already stressed and tired betta, but maybe you all disagree. Please let me know
bigger containers for sure if they need em, maybe some salt, a little meth blue. they dont sound seriously sick, just maybe need a water change really bad.
I would firstly encourage your friend to upgrade to a 1 and a 1/2 gallon tank or larger. Then they can heat it -I heat mine of the same size and they are fine. A 25W is all they'd need.

It sounds as though the bettas could be constipated or have swim bladder disorder, in which case your friend should fast the fish for a day or two. If they are still acting odd, give them a little bit of defrosted pea.

Or it could be just old age. I hope they recover! :thumbs:
Thanks for all of your help guys. I am almost positive it's not swimbladder, but I will have them try a fast anyways. One upgraded to a 1 gallon aquaview, and the I will mention that to the other one today. I will definitely get some salt in there, and tell them to make sure the tems aren't dropping too low. Thanks again!
Thanks for that link, I've never come across that page before, so I'll forward it to my friends. Oh yeah and I LOVE your avatar. I have had a bubbles for about 2 weeks, but her name is Trixie hehe!

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