Bettas In Small Tank


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
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I'm thinking of putting two female bettas in my 2.5 mini bow without the filter. the filters really big so im not sure if there will be enough room for them both?
Female bettas need to be kept in bigger groups due to their aggression. having only two fish you will have problems. i know from experience. i had two in a large community tank, they were fine for months, then something changed and the aggression kicked in. i think the minimal size for female community is 5 or 6 females in a 10 gallon (40L). 2.5 gallon is fine for one betta, but i would not risk two.
^I have to agree with that. I currently have 9 girls living in a 44g. Previously I had 7 in my 30g. I'd not have them in a small tank simply because they have no way to get away from each other. Whilst mine spend most of the time hanging out together in groups ranging from 2 to all they do have the choice of being alone and hiding up if they wish. Think of it a bit like being stuck in a small room with another person. Eventually there's gonna be problems!! You'd be better off having a single male in there and aim to have a larger community group of girls in a bigger planted tank.
This is off-topic, but I couldn't help but wince when I saw that you have goldfish you have in 2 gallons. I really hope you're planning to move it/them into a bigger tank very soon... :/
Actually I think ATM's goldies are in the 30g. A better size for sure but still shouldn't be in with tropicals. One sideor the other will suffer in ht elong term....and goldies are notoriously messy fish.
the smallest tank size for a betta and for one betta is 2.5. gallons.
if you are realllllly mean 1 gallon.
if you are realllllly mean 1 gallon.
Oh please, I have many bettas thriving in 1 gallons. More is better, but if you're short on space there's absolutely nothing wrong with that size.

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