Bettas In Large Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2004
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Just running ideas through my head for a future tank.

I'm into planted tanks. Tons of green plants growing everywhere and maybe a few fish scattered here and there. I want to set up a large tank maybe 120 gallons, maybe larger. Trying to decide what to put in it after i get it established.

I've had luck running a group of female bettas in my 40 gallon. I love how they slink their way around a large tank between plants hunting for food. Plus their bright colors stand out against the green plant life. Do you think a group of 10-15 females would fare well in such a large tank? Other inhabitants would be docile species such as ottos, kuhli loaches and neon tetras or other "tame" fish.

What about a Male? Is it possible at all to get more than 1 in such a large tank? I doubt it.

Any opinions?
should be ok as long as there arent any territorial fish or fin nippers =/ just make sure that there are a lot of hiding spaces
I think it would be interesting to have a buttload of females and some males in a big tank like that and watch them interact just like they would in the wild. Not sure if 120 gallons is big enough for that though. :shifty:
wait nvm o_o didnt see the part about the females lmao. my answer is a no then. barely any males wont attack the females
wait nvm o_o didnt see the part about the females lmao. my answer is a no then. barely any males wont attack the females

Well, the Males are just an idea. I'm primarily interested in Female bettas. I like their sleek lines better :)

But was just wondering if i could introduce 1 male.

I plan on making it a very densely planted tank.

This is only a 58g. I am planning a 120-260 gallon
ohhh if it was that densely planted then it should be ok but dotn put too many females. they get agressive too
I've had 4 at the same time in my 40G with no probs.

I wouldn't introduce them all at the same time. Start with 3-4 and then add 1 more at a time watching how they act.

The females love dense plant growth. The males don't. Their fins don't let them creep through the same way
I wouldn't introduce them all at the same time. Start with 3-4 and then add 1 more at a time watching how they act.

=S i think its better to introduce all of them at once. if there are new ones, they'll get teritorial and go like "hey this tank is mine, i was here first"
You can never have too many females! :D The rule is that you have to keep at least 4 together to spread aggression so 10-15 will be awesome...but in a tank that big (the 260) I'm not sure if they would ever see each other. :lol: Oh, how I've dreamed of a a huge tank!

I agree with Whisperian, add them all at once so they can all work out their territories at the same time, instead of the newcomer being hounded.
Thanks everyone. I will keep this all in mind.

I still need to locate a tank, buy equipment for it and then plant it and allow the plants time to grow and thicken up before adding any fish, so i have plenty of time to decide
Thanks everyone. I will keep this all in mind.

I still need to locate a tank, buy equipment for it and then plant it and allow the plants time to grow and thicken up before adding any fish, so i have plenty of time to decide

good luck =) hope everything turns out like you want it to be

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