Bettas In Australia


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I've been tossing up a female betta tank, but also getting myself a nice male, but the local shops only seem to have veiltails and I want something a little more. I'm in Brisbane, Queensland, and i'm wondering if anyone knows of any places I could get fish from.

My local aquariums don't really stock bettas, so while I can get some great tropicals, bettas seem out of the question.

Closest I can find on the net is a shop in Sydney, but unless they'll ship up here, they're not an option. I particularly like those with the shorter fins, the Macrostoma, Samragdina, Channoides and Taeniata. I like the plakats and halfmoons too.
Hi greyko. :)

I live on the Sunshine Coast and there are plenty of great fish stores around here. If you're looking just for nice pet bettas, there's Fish and Fur in North Buderim (where I got my boys - highly recommended), Mooloolaba Pet + Aquarium and The Fish Cave. Most of the stores in our state stock mainly CTs, VT and PKs. I'm sorry but I can't help with fancier varieties.

Private message me for more info and store addresses. :)

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