bettas in a community


Oct 5, 2004
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ususally in a state of shock aka derbyshire uk
i was in a lfs today and this guy was asking to buying a clown loach for his community tank (he had a snail proble) the fish was bagged then he asked for two females and one male betta

i never kept them and don't know a lot about them but this didn't seem right :no:

am i wrong?

what are the rules about keeping bettas in community tanks
u can keep bettas in a community tanks but most of them can get aggressive towards other fishes in the tank but i dont think that u can put females and males together (Well u cant Unless u are breeding them)
correct me if i am wrong
You can keep a minimum of 4 female bettas in a 10 gallon tank. Um, my females don't mind the corries and i'm sure clown loaches won't bother them too much. Males and females, though some find it works, are not recomended to be kept together. Also keeping bettas with guppies is not recomended as the tails of guppies are much like bettas in colour and my be mistaken as a rival betta/guppy.
All bettas have different personalities, so these suggestions may or may not work for all.
i have had a real promlem keeping females in a community tank with other community fish like livbeaers. i have female betta community that has its issues but all and all its doin ok. males and be kept in community tanks most of the time as long as theres not to many fansy fish in it like guppys. and under no sercomstance do u keep males bettas with other male bettas or with female bettas. iv heard u can have at the most 6 females in a 10g community, its just gotta be very well planted.
i've had bad experiences with bettas and gouramis too...i don't think they care too much about who's on the ground...i had one that ate snails totally depends on the betta, but i personally wouldn't keep females with a male
Male bettas seem to get along well with the smaller and/or non-carnivorous catfish such as otos and cories. They may chase small tetra for a while, but then give up because those little zingers are just too fast. And be careful of larger tetra and most barbs, they are fin nippers. Both my red-eyes were harrassing poor Buttons. :angry: I could have killed them on the spot, but I didn't. ;) So they are now separated.
Currently I have
1 male in a community (30 gal) and 1 female in a community (72 gal)

I have had a male and female together in a 4ft tank, without any problems.
The key is space and plenty of it, IMHO.
Can bettas live with South Am cichlids? Rams, discus? How about rainbowfish?

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