Betta's in a 5-7 gallon


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
I want to get a male betta, and some females in a 5-7 gallon. How many females should I get to accompany him? And could I have a few neons or cardinals as well? I just dont want to overcrowd.
You don't want to keep males and females together, actually.
Male and Female bettas should only be in the same tank when they are both ready to breed. You can keep females together if your tank is well planted, fake or real plants, and lots of places to hide. I would say start out with three females, at the least, in the tank and watch them in case they get to aggressive. You can also add the other fish you want just be careful not to crowd the tank.
well actually you NEED 4 FEMALES. not three. three does nothing. four makes a pecking order.

NEVER keep males with females. people on here do it, but dont listen to all of them, its not good. maybe if you have a huge tank were they wont see eachother, but not in something so small like yours.

Finally, you need ATLEAST 10 GALLONS for four females. So, in your case you will only be able to keep one betta, no matter what sex, in that tank.

And if you want more fish, get some corydoras cat fish, or some otos for catfish, they need to be in groups of three plus. Or if you want something with a nicer color, get some micky mouse platties, which also should be in groups of three, 1m 2f.
What about a male or female betta (probably female, the males around my area arent very nice looking, and some places (like Wal-Mart) keep them in little cups! Damn, that pisses me off! :angry: :grr: :-( :X :no: :huh: But, I can get some really nice females. How about, 1 female betta, 5 or 6 neons and a few otos or some small cories (like bronze, the ones in my 33 gallon arent very big). Would that work?
How about that? Huh? Huh? Huh? By the way, who here likes the movie, Finding Nemo? I DO!
is this still going to be a 5-7 gallon? if so, id say no.
im not too sure about keeping neons with bettas anyways but i would think they would need a bigger tank.
i would just go with a female betta and 3 or 4 small cories or ottos.
my females are with my neons and let me tell you, the females will kill eachother at any given chance but they dont cuz they know im watching :shifty: and i got lots of hifing spaces for em but they dotn touvch my neons at all

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