bettas good community fish?


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
which fish do betta get one well with??? :D i want to get one male and maybe tow females i was thinking ot cihclids and maybe some neons but they might turn out fin nippers any one know of any really gd tank mates! :) :thumbs:
As far as I know bettas and cichlids don't work well in a tank together. Also, male bettas and female bettas really shouldn't be in the same tank either. There is always a risk of him hurting or killing her.

Here is a list of good tank-mates for bettas:

Cherry Barb
Clown Loach
Zebra Danio
White Cloud Minnow
Cory Cats (Corydoras)
Cardinal/Neon Tetra
Bala Shark
Ghost Shrimp
African Dwarf Frog (NOT the Clawed Frog)

This list is from

Jen :D
I don't know why they kill the females but he will. Also I wouldn't suggest guppies and a betta in the same tank, the betta will probably attack it if it's male.
also today i went to i fish shop and they keep there batta males with live beaers not guppys the big ones eg. mollie swordtail etc. . well anyways there was this male platy showing off to a male betta the the betta kept of striing out athin try to keep jim away i think the platy was either confsued runk or lightly gay......... :crazy: :S :blink:
I have one red male betta in a 5.5 gal community tank with two black skirt tetra, two albino cory and one male guppy. He does fine in there and doesn't bother any of them. I guess it would depend if he has a bad temper which this one doesn't. I did an experiment by buying two bettas that I like and I put them in my duel bettahex. The blue one would always flare at the red one. The red one never flares, ever! That is when I knew that this one was the right one to put in my community tank. I keep my blue one in his own tank by himself. and he is loving his privacy. :)

Never put two male together, never put male and female together. :no: You can however put two female together. :nod: It's a risk.

Good luck :fun:
If you put two females together, it is best to have minimum 3. This helps establish pecking order. Actually, the more, the better (considering you tank size and with reason, of course). Having more than two helps distribute any dominance related terrorizing on the others. But even then, you could end up with a death. It is risky.
so what if i got smal tank and put the one male betta in there witha few other fish that didnt have long tails and wernt fine nipers...? :) :D
That's fine, just no smaller than 5 gal. tank. need to give room for lots of swimming. My betta loves to swim all over the tank.
I would recomend cory cats, albino are my favorite, i just got them i heard they go well with bettas, so thats the fish i would put with my betta, but if and it might end up the betta harrasing the corys i would move the corys 2 a dif tank, make sure you would have one ready if any tank mates turned ugly ok, i dont have any fish with my betta tho, never tried, wait i did a long time ago when i was a idiot and wally was fine with 2 guppies in a 1 gallon tank but i think he has changed.
Bettas really aren't hard to keep, you just have to do it the right way :) They tend to do better by themselves, but there are some with not-so-dominant traits that can be kept with specific types of fish (peaceful and w/out long/colorful fins). The jars and cups you see them in are meant to be their 'in-transit' temporary homes. IMO, I think you should keep them in AT LEAST one gallon. The more the better. It's amazing how they always look more beautiful in bigger waters than when you first buy them in the dreaded cup.
My betta made an excellent community fish until I bought tiger barbs.... :-( I had been under the impression that if you had a few barbs they wouldnt be so aggressive :no:
But if that wasnt extremely stupid. My betta ended up dying in a hospital tank reeking of MelaFix with a horrible fungal infection. Three of the four tiger barbs also died - a friend inherited the survivor - BUT lesson learned.
Anyway, just be careful. Watch closely for fin nippers.
shimanocono said:
I don't know why they kill the females but he will. Also I wouldn't suggest guppies and a betta in the same tank, the betta will probably attack it if it's male.
the same sex bettas will fight for territory and the male will kill the female if it is unwilling to mate with him they get along with most fish just dont have any fin nipper long finned fish or any other flashy long finned fish he will mistake it for another male or female betta and will fight it HTH also the bettas should not hurt the male guppies

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