Bettas Fought..what Do I Do?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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I came home lunch time ..looked at my 2 young bettas..they were in same side and fins were in shreds! The divider is still in place and the divider goes to top of tank and they have a cover on. I think they must have squeezed underneath..anyway it is done now. They are split is in a breeding trap on his side in case the other gets through again. I have added salt to the water what else can I do! Thank god I came home for lunch!
I came home lunch time ..looked at my 2 young bettas..they were in same side and fins were in shreds! The divider is still in place and the divider goes to top of tank and they have a cover on. I think they must have squeezed underneath..anyway it is done now. They are split is in a breeding trap on his side in case the other gets through again. I have added salt to the water what else can I do! Thank god I came home for lunch!

im not expert on betta's yet, but i have done a lot of research as i wish to breed them in the near future. I recall reading somewhere that after "matches" that were held in the far east, owners used to introduce an Indian Almond leave to the tank which supposedly aided the healing process of the fish.

Not sure if this work or not, but i thought i would mention it.
I came home lunch time ..looked at my 2 young bettas..they were in same side and fins were in shreds! The divider is still in place and the divider goes to top of tank and they have a cover on. I think they must have squeezed underneath..anyway it is done now. They are split is in a breeding trap on his side in case the other gets through again. I have added salt to the water what else can I do! Thank god I came home for lunch!

im not expert on betta's yet, but i have done a lot of research as i wish to breed them in the near future. I recall reading somewhere that after "matches" that were held in the far east, owners used to introduce an Indian Almond leave to the tank which supposedly aided the healing process of the fish.

Not sure if this work or not, but i thought i would mention it.

Thanks put some aqua salt in, might do a complete change later.
I'm into Betta fighting and here's what I do after teh fight:

1. Place them in a small tank and dark place
2. put some rock salt
3. add methylin blue
4. Don't feed for a day or 2
5. 50 % water change everyday for a week
6. on the 3rd day I put IAL and Dry Banana leaves

After 5 days I do the normal thing.

I hope this helps.
I hate it when they get through the divider the little punks! I just put in extra aqurium salt, change the water at least 1nce a week and I use BettaFix. And I always feed once a day starting the next day live bloodworms for the protien and nutrition to help heal them up! Usually it works really well. (I'm doing that right now since the last guy squeezed through the side of the divider!)
The same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago.

I'd put them in seperate tanks and treat w/ aquarium salt and water changes.

Watch for any signs of illness. . . and treat if nessecary.
I have to go with Suzi on this....are you saying you fight bettas cRaCkEr? :crazy: Are you nuts?? The poor creatures!! Think someone should put you in a small room with a 'fighting bloke' and see how you like it. :grr: Not to worry tho, he probably won't kill you, just rip you up a bit which can easily be repaired.
As others have said, just keep the water super clean and the salt should help too.

Tis the hazards of divided tanks, I've had a few escapees and scraps too :rolleyes:

Hope they are ok soon
Mod's note:

OK everyone, let's not take the easy opportunity to flame someone. :grr:

You all know that bettas are sometimes fought in parts of the world; it's reality and this is not the time or place to comment on it. You would be better to offer helpful suggestions about the topic of this thread.

_cRaCkEr_, as a person who fights his fish, is an expert on how to heal them. Please respect that and take the advice in the spirit it was given.
I have to go with Suzi on this....are you saying you fight bettas cRaCkEr? :crazy: Are you nuts?? The poor creatures!! Think someone should put you in a small room with a 'fighting bloke' and see how you like it. :grr: Not to worry tho, he probably won't kill you, just rip you up a bit which can easily be repaired.

Well I said I'm fighting bettas and I'm not encouraging anyone nor promoting it here. I'm helping the thread starter to cure her Bettas and I believed that I can help since I've seen and experienced thousands of Betta fights.

Ok the deal with me fighting in a bloke ? yeah I did that I used to join URCC our local UFC and do street fightings as well. Been to Thailand to fight and some Kumite fight in China and Hong Kong so what's the deal ?
So the practice is accepted in the Phillipines?!?!?

Anyway, I would love to have a couple of bettas. But it looks like I'd better get separate tanks; jumping dividers sounds like its a common occurance. I wouldn't want the possibility of any of my bettas to get into a fight.

Good luck to your fishes, Liz2.
So the practice is accepted in the Phillipines?!?!?

Anyway, I would love to have a couple of bettas. But it looks like I'd better get separate tanks; jumping dividers sounds like its a common occurance. I wouldn't want the possibility of any of my bettas to get into a fight.

Yes in Asian countries this is an art and part of the culture and tradition. I don't want to expound more about the Betta fights, I don't want to derail and flame the thread.

If you want more information about it just send me a pm and let's talk about it in private.

here's my IM

Yahoo : v-brian
AIM: stockbalance



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