betta's fins tips turning clear


New Member
Jul 23, 2020
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Jersey City, NJ
Hi, i gotta my betta in near end of April, he lives in a 10 gallon planted aquarium with some neon tetras. a month ago i started noticed the end of his fins have lost the black color they once where and are now mostly translucent. i was nervous it was the start of some fin rot so i put him in a hospital tank and treated him with some fungus clear and kanaplex. i don't feel like its gotten worse but i also don't feel like its gotten better either.

His eating seems fine and his activity level. He has also gotten bigger since i got him and i know when fins grow they can first some in clear so i'm not sure if this is the case. i have attached two pics, one when we first got him and one now, the lighting isn't great in the second once since it's taken during the day but you can see the clearness near the end. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
I think your betta might just be marbling. This just means that he is changing his color, and it's completely normal and nothing to worry about. When I first got my betta, he was white with icy blue fins. Now he's royal blue with some shimmery green mixed in.
Here is a great video about marbling.
Nothing wrong from where i sit.

As @FishFinatic77 said, he is just marbling.
I agree, and we'd still need your water parameters to exclude finrot.
Give away the neons please, bettas are not a community fish no matter what and they are aggressive and they require their own tank with no other fish in the tank.
I'm sure our dearest @Byron will confirm this.
I agree, and we'd still need your water parameters to exclude finrot.
Give away the neons please, bettas are not a community fish no matter what and they are aggressive and they require their own tank with no other fish in the tank.
I'm sure our dearest @Byron will confirm this.

I agree, bettas are not community fish and should not be kept as such. His fins look pretty ripped up to me.
I know, that's what I was thinking. Or he's stressed by the tetras darting around the tank and he's nipping his fins. It could even be a combination of both.
I agree with the guys above, his fins do look pretty torn. Is there any ornaments, fake plants, anything with sharp edges that could have caught his fins?
Otherwise he's either pecking himself out of stress or being picked on by the neons.
My first step would be to remove him from your neons or rehome them. Check for anything sharp in the tank that could be damaging his fins and remove it. Lastly, what are your water parameters? Is the tank heated and filtered with regular waterchanges?
Wow, didn't realize the tank was a 10g with a betta and neons.

I would keep the Betta in the 10g and get rid of the neons. (e.i. give them a bigger tank or give them away)

Bettas are not community fish and shouldn't be kept as such.
I won't comment on the fin issue (the Betta keepers can answer this better) but I will definitely say that a male Betta should never be housed with other fish. It is a two-way street. I had a Betta many years ago who ate a mature neon tetra as I sat in front of the tank. And neons are likely to find fin nipping a sedate Betta to be fun.

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