Bettas Fins Getting Smaller


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all
well i bought a male CT betta two days ago and well ive noticed today thats his fins are like getting smaller
and dissapearing
he is now seeming very down but has started building a bubble nest though
why is this?
also ive noticed that my 3 males that are in a divided 6uk gallon tank all seem to flare quit alot at nothink because they cant see eachother
is it ok that they flare alot?
is there any sign of finrot at all, if not he maybe chewing his own tail so not to worry as it will grow back, as for the flaring, is there anything colourful near their tank that they may not like, mine used to spend ages flaring at my phone until i figured it out :lol:
no there doesnt seem to be any sign of fin rot
is it normal for them to eat there own fins?
hmm no i dont think theres anythink colourful around there tanks i shall go and check now
they get a whole 100% water change every two days
is that ok or is it to much?
or is it not enoth?
also a quick questions about 100% water changes does the water have to be at room temp before the bettas are oput back in?
thanks alot
its a 6 uk gallon
which is divided into 3 for three male bettas
so they have 2uk gallons each
am i doin to much water change?
is he does have finrot which i dont think he has could it spread onto the other two males?
its a 6 uk gallon
which is divided into 3 for three male bettas
so they have 2uk gallons each
am i doin to much water change?
is he does have finrot which i dont think he has could it spread onto the other two males?

i have read many places that bettas don't like 100% water changes, in a US 1 gal tank you should do a 25% water change once a week (this is what I've read, my betta is in a 10 gal on a filter, so I don't do changes as often) that may be the cause of his stress!
I have two males in one US gallon tank each, and I do 100% water changes on they every 5 days, with a 25% change on the third day, and my boys don't get stressed when I do the 100%'s.
I have two males in one US gallon tank each, and I do 100% water changes on they every 5 days, with a 25% change on the third day, and my boys don't get stressed when I do the 100%'s.

That's great! :)
My boy doesn't like the 100s, I did them every week for the first month that I had him, then read that a lesser change more often might be better. My post was supposed to say 25% change twice a week, not once (yuck). I am having problems with my betta lately. Others have said that it sounds like a bacterial problem, but I think he may be losing a battle with age/bad breeding. So sad, don't know what to do.
From what I've heard, 1g tanks should get 100% changes every few days; 25% 1-2x's per week sounds like a good way to get fin rot, since tanks that small generally can not be filtered or cycled.

As for the case of the shrinking fins, it may be fin rot; I've had bettas lose finnage without the blackness (or redness) typically associated with fin rot. It might be best to spread out the cleanings a little more, and if there is no filter/bubbler, add one or the other, since warm stagnant water is an ideal environment for bacteria. For now, you could add some aquarium salt (I think its 1 tbsp per 5g) and see if that helps the fin loss. :good:
Also, if they are all flaring a lot, it is possible that he's blown his fins from flaring too much, which allowed a bacterial infection to start deteriorating the fin. Or, he could be stressed from the constant presence of other males and is mutilating his own fins as a result. Perhaps you could try placing him in a temporary hospital tank for a week and see if the problem is rectified by a lower stress environment.
hey thanks
yea i may move him on his own for a lil see if he gets better
thanks for the help
yeah ive seen a few differences. my latest lsf vt gets 100% every 4days in his 2.25gal and he's fine.i fish him out and leave him in his old water until his new water has heated up (takes about 20mins) then i put him back into fresh treated water, then next day...MASSIVE bubble nest every time :D

others however dont like nets :/ so i do 50% changes every 2-3 days.

all a'ok (except kogen who has fin rot at the moment :crazy: )


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