Bettas fins brown/messed up??


New Member
Oct 14, 2003
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Hye. I've had this one betta for maybe half a year or so... I have him in a vase taht's probably about half a gallon. He's been seeming fine but I have neglected his water some lately and I changed it the other day and in the light his fins went from their normal pinkish to a kind of brown color in the light- they're also looking sort of wilty, not full and colorful and healthy. This has happened to a yellow fish I had before. I'm kind of worried and it looks like he's got some kind of chemical burn or something. He is otherwise rather healthy, I have good feeding habits with him and he's decently active (although he hasnt been building bubblenests). I condition his water and give it time to condition and use a little bit of aquarium salt and a little bit of coppersafe to keep his water free of bacteria and such. Oh, also, a few months ago this fish jumped in to another bettas' tank and got his fins a little ripped up. not too bad, but a bit.

Is anyone familiar with this?
It could be that your betta has ammonia burns. Do you have any tester kits with which you could check your ammonia levels? If not, perhaps take a sample of water to your lfs and get them to check it out for you.

How often do you change the water in your tank generally?
That's probably it. I usually change his 'bowl'/vase/whatever like every week or every other but sometimes I can go a while... poor fishy

If I keep his water good, will the burns go away or will his fins always be like that?

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