Bettas Fighting On Youtube


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
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pitstone, buckinghamshire
i was on youtube the other day and i found loads of videos of bettas fighting. i think this is wrong and should'nt be on there. wat r ur thoughts
i support the stop of this supposed sport. These people are doing it just to entertain themselves but they end up with 2 badly damaged bettas or 1 dead and 1 dying. This is cruetly and inhumane. Lets see if those jerks would like us to shove them in a cage with a tiger. No escaping and people watch and record that. That's just wrong and for every betta video I find, I'm going to leave a certain youtube account is 963096309630
Its so stupid and some people say thats what they were bred for, but its just nasty. And beacuse fish arnt 'proper' pets the animal groups dont take any notice, what can we do?
oooo those videos make me mad!
these kids are so stupid.

there was one video on there of some college morons daring one of their moron friends to eat a betta, and he did. it was alive.

these people make me sick.

This is horrible. I agree, anyone who does this should be put in a (rather small) cage with a tiger to fight and see what it's really like.

We need to somehow get animal cruelty laws for fish. If this were a dog or cat, this would probably classify as a felony for animal cruelty.
If we complained to YouTube or someone else, would they do something about it? I'm not sure about YouTube's policies, but they (in theory) should have some sort of "no offensive content" policy.

And like everyone else I agree, VERY bad idea to put on You Tube. Very very bad. All it's going to do encourage inexperienced kids to go out and buy betta's to "see what would happen" :no:

Apparently there have been some cases were kids did this in the petstore. :angry: :angry: :angry:

As far as the piranhas eating the mice...aren't mice one of the "protected by animal welfare law" species? Or no??? I mean.....snakes/piranhas do need to eat, but it's not something to make a big show out of....
by all means, if it really interests them, film their piranhas or snakes eating mice
but DON'T tie a LIVE mouse's foot to something heavy and drop it into the tank and watch it slowly start to drown and then the piranhas eat it
that is NOT nice and anyone who finds that enjoyable is a very sick individual indeed
I'm pretty sure Betta fighting is illegal in the states, like cock fighting of dog fighting. In fact, I think it's a misdemeanor just to attend a dog fight, but I'm not sure.

Also, what else would you feed piranhas? How is feeding them mice worse than feeding them something like feeder fish or other live food?

I would like to have a tank of piranhas but they are illegal in the great state of California.
by all means feed your piranhas mice if you have to, but don't torture a live mouse in order to do it, let alone film it, i'm sure the piranhas aren't bothered if it's alive or dead, torturing it by drowning it is purely for the individuals pleasure. i don't particularly like feeding live goldies either, but at least they can breathe underwater! and guppies are pretty much down in one anyway.
I dislike American betta fighting; where a couple moronic college kids buy some ill fish and fight them to the death. This is stupid, inhuman, disgusting, and a waste of money. But on the other hand, betta fighting is a kind of sport in the phillipines where breeders DO NOT fight their fish to the death, and withdraw before sevear injury. I greatly admire the sports cultural aspect, but I think it needs to stay in the phillipines and be left to responsible handlers, not children. Because we see video of these idiots throwing away daddy's money on dying aquarium fish, we often turn a blind eye to real betta fighting, and how beutiful and culturally symbolic it truely is.
indeed. although i still dislike the idea of fighting any animal, its a culture thing. and if it's being done properly and the fish get proper pre and post care and are not fought to the death, fair play. but i still don't think even that should be on youtube, it just gives morons ideas.

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