Bettas at school neglected.



One of my teachers in my biology department has 2 Male Bettas in 2 seperate 3 Litre tanks. He's had the Bettas in the tanks for about 3 weeks now and the tanks are not heatered, filtered or cleaned. The Bettas are so lethargic and I haven't seen one move yet, they just mope about; it's such a contrast to my Betta who's absolutely crazy : :lol: . Kids come in and tap on the glass and The teacher feeds them flakes!! The uneaten flakes just sit on the bottom of the tank and grow scummy and the water has become stagnant and has a film on the top.
I asked the teacher about them and he say's he knows what he's doing (apparently he's been keeping them for 15 years!) and I asked the technician when they last had a water change and she replied "they've only bee here a few weeks" . I feel so sorry for these poor fish and we even have a warm tropical room for the lizards etc. but he insists on keeping them in the cold clasroom. what should I do? Bring in some heaters and a filter or steal the fish????? (Well not literally steal them) Cheers guys
Secretly clean the water and feed them. Keep a secret log and see if your teacher knows the difference.
Maybe you have an extra tank or something and some things to bring in and offer a bigger home for the poor bettas. I'd also print out some betta care tips and guidelines and advise him to read it. If all else fails,NAG NAG NAG until he gives in. :thumbs:
take 2 small jars, and kick the 2 bettas out of that jail, and take 'em home!. then just add a note on the aquarium, fishes died or some what or maybe dont even add anything as he might recognise your letter, unless you ask a friend of yours to write it.

Mission betta rescue, if I could be there I would help you nick 'em.
ask him questions about the Betta care, all of it. ask him how long they've lived under his care without falling ill.

then tell him you've kept Bettas for such-and-such a time, they lived for so long and have had such illnesses. tell him he is doing something wrong, and unless he admits it you are taking those fish and calling it animal abuse, which it is.

or, steal them.
DrOizo said:
I asked the teacher about them and he say's he knows what he's doing (apparently he's been keeping them for 15 years!)
Know it alls are often wrong.

I would suggest you talk with him, and if he don't comply to better treatment, steal them. animal abuse would do nothing, I mean come on, after all, it's only a fish right? :grr:
type up a not to him and leave it on the "jars" he keeps them in. let him know that they died and went to heaven (which in a way is partially true :whistle: )
Well, I don't know if I would go as far to steal them. You will have already made the teacher suspicious of you because you asked about them in the first place. Just tell him/her that you don't think they are being properly taken care of. Offer to change their water once a week after class because you know how busy teachers are, and it probably just slipped his mind. Maybe just start to clean their water, and if the teacher says anything, just tell him/her that you saw another student "dumping" food into their tank so you thought you would do the right thing. Then possible at the end of the semester/quarter/year you can tell the teacher that you have become attached to the betta's and would like to take care of them over the summer. Then you can just keep them cause chances are he/she will forget.

Pull and snatch!

Just kidding, dont do anything like that :lol:

Fresh water gal has the right idea, and if one of your bettas dies you pull a slip up and use the misforutune of one to save another.

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