Betta's And Snails


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Feb 19, 2008
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Hey all sorry for the short introduction but here we are. Anyway I would like to know something that maybe some of you betta guru's know a thing or two about. My wife has started up a 10 gallon tank for a male betta. Anyway he is getting along just fine. Anyway we plan on adding a bristlenose pleco which we have looked into and it seems that will not be a problem at all, no one bothers him/her and he/she bothers no one. She wants to add a couple of the Inca Snails which I think is cool but I myself have one question after reading up on the betta and not finding an answer. The betta will feed from insects and larva that it finds on the surface which I know and also baby fish (fry) as well. So I was wondering and I know if the snails do mate and most likely they will. Will they (betta) eat the eggs they have laid at the surface of the water? If they do eat the said eggs is that healthy for them? I don't know enough about the betta digestive tract to know if they can handle that. So any information anyone might provide me would be of great service, thanks in advance.

I'm not familiar with Inca snails nor the potential digestive problems a betta may have with their eggs. I can tell you that it is more than likely that the betta will eat the eggs tho...... extremely likely actually.

As far as the snails go.... I know when i tried to introduce a mystery snail into one of my betta's tanks, he immediately resorted to attacking it. My other betta was curious and poked around at his shell, but did not try to harm it. That's about the extent of betta & snail keeping i have. I hope somebody else can provide you with a bit more insight regarding the topic.
Yeah I figure the betta will most likely eat the snail eggs since they lay them at the top of the water. Which hey that is not a problem for me at all less fish food for me to supply. Ha ha ha. Anyway I am a big science fiction fantasy fan I can just imagine the chest bursting young that pop and take over the house. So my little one named the Betta Bob and it's pretty much stuck with us so I don't want to have to replace him in a week or two when little baby slugs come crawling out of his guts cause he ate a snail baby ya know.
Yeah I figure the betta will most likely eat the snail eggs since they lay them at the top of the water. Which hey that is not a problem for me at all less fish food for me to supply. Ha ha ha. Anyway I am a big science fiction fantasy fan I can just imagine the chest bursting young that pop and take over the house. So my little one named the Betta Bob and it's pretty much stuck with us so I don't want to have to replace him in a week or two when little baby slugs come crawling out of his guts cause he ate a snail baby ya know.
well, that certainly will not happen :p

only problem is that your betta may have a feeding frenzy (assuming he actually likes the snail eggs). that could result in quite a bloated little guy :\
Well that is good to know that Bob eating the maybe future to be snail eggs will not harm him. My wife is planning on getting two of the gold Inca snails I plan on naming one of them sluggo. SNL for those of us old enough to remember that nemesis of Mr. Bill.
I looked up to see what an Inca snail looks like, it is very much like the snails I had in with my bettas. One of my bettas ate the eye stocks off the snail, one day I figure the snail got really unlucky and got pulled out of the shell and eaten. I only had an empty shell when I came home from work. One thing about the snails that lay eggs above the water they can crawl out. Make sure there is a secure lid.
i have one mrystry snail in each of my 10 gallon soriorty tak=nks tehy do seem to pick at them occasionaly but no baby snail with just one right,, or can a snail breed by them selves?

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