Bettas And Snails


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
added 2 apple snails to my betta tank today. my betta caden seems very interested by them.

will he be ok with them?
Apple Snails should be fine with your Betta, but the tank should be 5gallons+! They produce lots of waste and they grow to be huge... I've also heard that, when they feel like it, they can climb out of the tank if the hood isn't secure -_- Scary!
He should be fine with them Laura. Mine are kept with them and are interested in them and the snails learn to keep their feelers inside away from munching bettas. Have yet to have one killed by them though so long as the snails are bigger than the bettas mouths :rolleyes:

Have also yet to have one crawl out but have secure lids just in case as I had heard about that :D
One caution
If you feed your betta live worms, they may also BITE the snails feelers :( as they roam about They are very long on apple snails, adn some can't resist them - poor snails!
Bettas are never guarenteed to get along with any fish; there are some they are less likely to attack, but you must remember that they are a solitary, territorial species and dislike the company and activity of other fish. If he is just chasing and not biting, I'm sure there won't be an issue; just keep an eye on them.
I also have 2 apple snails with my betta. The betta ignores the black one, and occasionally flares at and bumps the yellow one. My betta's body is yellow, so I guess he thinks the snail is competition. :lol:

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