Bettas and Pictus

Rapa Nui

New Member
Dec 25, 2003
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Have a 10 gallon with lots of hiding spaces for our beautiful male betta. He has 8 neons with him for amusement and it's time to address the need for a bottom feeder.
Algae is not an issue at this time as this is a fairly new set up, but it has become apparent the need for a bottom feeder to pick up the slack between cleanings. I've always loved the pictus (long barbed catfish like tiger striped bottom feeder) but no two websites seem to agree on

a) passivity/aggressiveness of a single pictus towards delicately finned fish such as our star attraction
b) passivity/aggressiveness of a single pictus towards neons
c) need for more than one pictus (aka do they prefer to school/pair?)

Any feedback would be helpful.

Also any other 'smaller' fish that you recommend to add to this menagerie would be appreciated, but nothing to overshadow the betta. I know fan tailed guppies can be mistaken as other bettas, zebra danios are another option but I'm looking for something more interesting.
Look forward to your input!

-Rapa Nui

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