bettas and neon tetras


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
Can these two live together peacefully? I was just wondering. Not because I want to get a few tetras but because I saw them at Petsmart together. There were over 10 neon tetras and 1 little betta on the bottom of the tank. He was movinga little but mostly trying to hide. The worker said he was a boy...the boy had some small fins on him though. I guess he must be young.
Anyways, I was looking for some hornwort (I think that's what it was called) and they don't seem to have that...oh well.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't work, it usually ends up being catastrophic. Sounds like it isn't working there, though, poor Betta.
I had 8 neons and a male VT in a well planted 10g. All was fine for about 3 weeks, then the neons started to nip his fins pretty bad. The neons were way too fast, like little piranha. I'd never keep a long finned betta with any tetras again. :/
mm_simb said:
Can these two live together peacefully? I was just wondering. Not because I want to get a few tetras but because I saw them at Petsmart together. There were over 10 neon tetras and 1 little betta on the bottom of the tank. He was movinga little but mostly trying to hide. The worker said he was a boy...the boy had some small fins on him though. I guess he must be young.
Anyways, I was looking for some hornwort (I think that's what it was called) and they don't seem to have that...oh well.
I have 8 neons, a dwarf catfish and 1 betta in a 10 gallon tank and its been that way for about 3 months. No problems at all so far but from the reports of others it looks like it depends on the individual fish. I have never seen the neons bother my betta.
Allix said:
Didnt work for me :( ... my advice, dont even attempt it
I'm not trying it. I saw them at Petsmart and the male VT looked like he already had nipped fins. I just didn't know if the fins were supposed to be that small or if they had been nipped which now I figured it out.

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