Bettas And Gouramis


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Would I be able to put a banded gourami in my 55 gallon tank with my 15 female bettas, or is this a big no-no?
Yah, I've heard that generally bettas and gouramis don't get along, but these bettas being females, and banded gouramis being very peaceful even with their own species, I thought they might be an exception. :) Thanks for the reply, happyannie.
My friend has a 10 gallon tank with a true vietnameese gourami,male-betta,Hatchet,pleco but they are all at risk. :fish: :pepsi:
I dunno for sure ma'am so don't take my word as the gospel truth.
I don't think I've ever been called ma'am before. :hyper:

Anyhoo, if there's still one left on Tuesday when I'm in the area again, I think I'll pick one up and try it out. I have a feeling that they'd be fine, based on the personalities of these girls (uber sweet) and the general temperament of banded gouramis. If it doesn't work out, I'll just take the gourami back.
It's my pleasure to call you ma'am, ma'am. Yes, good to have a plan in case things don't work out. Make sure they take returns tho. Maybe wait it out until others post tho k?
I personally have a dwarf honey gourami with my female bettas and they all get along fine, I also have a couple mollys in the mix, I have had zero aggression at all, the gourami could care less, he's too busy picking in the gravle for any leftovers he may find :lol: however I don't reccomend it for just anyone, it can be risky, make SURe you have a backup plan in case it doesn't work out, and I would say maybe have a smaller dwarf species helps because then there's no size issue.

If you do do it, please make sure you have another tank to house him in in case it goes wrong. :)
i placed one of my male bettas in my gourami tank, went out, came back 3 hours later to find there had been an assualt in the tank.... and the betta had not come out of it favourably.
When i got my rescue betta the other day it was in a tank with alot of honey gouramis and was getting eaten alive in the corner.
My friend bought a betta when he had gouramis and he died due to getting eaten by them.
I personally wouldn't take the chance-but its your call :good:
I personally have had experience and the 2 thick lipped gouramies came out unfavoured, the betta hada nice thick bunch of hornwort to hide in at the surface and whenever the gouramies came past he would snap at them. Big chunks out of the gouramies fins were taken out. A BIG no-no in my eyes :)

For the record, I've decided against a banded gourami. I absolutely love them, and I have a feeling they'd be okay... but I still don't want to take a chance with my little girls, so it'll just have to wait until I get another tank, whenever that will be. ;)

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