Bettas And Gouramis Compatibility?

Paper Tiger

New Member
Mar 3, 2004
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I was wondering if anyone had any experience(s) keeping a betta with a gourami in a community aquarium?
well i wouldn't try that there have been some pretty brutal fights leading in either gourami or betta deaths. But i haven't tried something like that. It depends on both fish's personalities.
I kept a betta and a gourami in a tank together. They were both fine with each other, but it does depend on the personalities of the fish.
I introduced a betta into my community tank over a fortnight ago, and kept a vigil for the first day in case anything bad happened.

Basically, the gouramis (liste below) had a bit of frisk of the betta with their feelers, followed him around for a bit and then left him alone. My golden chased him for a day or two on and off, but only because the betta insisted on hovering in the path the gourami likes to hurtle along in front of the glass.

Now they all seem happy together; occasionally the dwarf or golden gourami will nip at him, but they do that with everyone (and each other) and it's never a full on attack/vendetta, more like 'I'm grumpy, keep out of my way'.

I seem to have a peaceful betta, as he never attacks anybody, just muddles along chasing his reflection and doing lengths.

I had a back-up bowl for the betta, just in case he didn't take, but no problems so far - all is happy!
I have a betta in my 45gl community tank (see pic in photo section)along with 3 opaline gourami's. I think its a matter of providing enough space, shelter, proper food and some luck as to your individual fish and their personalities. Good luck!
It's gone both ways for me. I've been able to successfully keep a betta in a tank with dwarf gouramis, but had no success with keeping one in a 65 gallon tank with a blue gourami. That same blue gourami was beating up on my fancy tailed guppies and lyratail mollies, so he now lives in a 29 gallon tank with a few juvenile cichlids and he's now happy as can be. The cichlids prefer the middle and bottom of the tank and he prefers the top so for now it's working, though the cichlids will be moved to the 125 gallon tank once they mature. I fully agree that it depends on the personality of your fish.

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