Bettas and Brineshrimp!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Sierra Vista, AZ
Hi! I wanted to give my three Bettas a little of a challenge and got them live Brineshrimp! Well, usually you can buy a Kit to "make" them yourself and so they don't get sold *gg*, but the Lady in the Pet-Shop was so nice to give me a couple of theirs wich they keep as live-bait for their fish so I can try and see if my Bettas like them before I'd buy a kit!

What can I say, my Bettas are absolutely crazy about them- they LOOOVE them and the "hunt" that comes with it!

So, I know Brine-Shrimp are high in Proteins (I think) wich means I should not give those treats more then once or twice a week right??

How "many" brines can I give them each? I have a little Tea-Sif, with that I can comfortably get out as many as I want without transferring water and stuff!
Shaydensmom said:
What can I say, my Bettas are absolutely crazy about them- they LOOOVE them and the "hunt" that comes with it!
My bettas
live brine shrimps too. I'm able to obtain them from my LFS and they are fed to my bettas during the weekends to supplement the usual freeze-dried blood worms and Hikari® Betta Bio-Gold pellets. I'd vitaminize the brine shrimps with AQUMEDI® MultiVit 1 hour prior to feeding.

Shaydensmom said:
How "many" brines can I give them each?
I feed each adult betta about 8 brine shrimps per meal, twice a day. I'm sure they'd gobble up more if I allow it, but I make it a point to restrict their food intake.
Sounds reasonable, and only twice a week then right? Bloodworms, mine for some reason don't like, all three of them. :sad: Thank you for your answer, can't wait what others have to say!
all 4 of my bettas LOVE, LOVE, LOVE brine shrimp!!! live & frozen both, especially live. but they only get them as a treat about once a week or so. their staple is hikari baby betta pellets, which they also love. and once in a great while they get some freeze-dried bloodworms.

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