I wanted to contact you today about your Glass Block Betta Aquariums (IF you can justify calling them an AQUARIUM) - and give you a listing of things that are SO VERY WRONG with this. First of all, bettas are very fragile creatures - and should NEVER be subjected to being shoved so cruelly through a funnel or sucked out the tiny hole in top of the tank. I would imagine that the trauma that the fish suffers while slamming into the rocks on the bottom of tank upon impact could potentially be pretty severe. Secondly, you recommend using spring water. You might want to do a tad bit of research on your fish keeping, sir - bettas, and other fish in general, need conditioned tap water in order to have the minerals they need to flourish. Spring water will simply not provide that. Thirdly, you recommend dumping the water out into a small tupperware bowl IN THE SINK, then setting the fish up on the edge of the sink while you rinse the tank. BETTAS JUMP. You have just given several bettas a certain death sentence when they jump to their deaths as they slither down the drain while someone is cleaning their tanks. As if the way you are transporting these fish in and out of the tank isn't horribly cruel enough, the tank is way too small to leave for 3 - 4 weeks between cleanings?!?!??!?!? Good grief - a tank that size should be cleaned out at LEAST 1 - 2 times each week. AT LEAST. What a shame that someone feels the need to scam money off unsuspecting folks who don't realize how cruel they are being to a fish because they followed your recommendation. Sad, and utterly pathetic. FYI - I will be forwarding this video on to the SPCA and Humane Societies in your area to see what they have to say about it. You might be expecting some sort of contact from them.