

Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

what schooling fish could be kept with a male betta??

it would be a 15 gallon

You could get a small school of corydoras catfish
You'll want something that wont nip at the bettas fins so no big tetras.
Every betta has a personality of their own. Most will not tolerate much, and a few will tolerate anything. Consider the chance that what ever you may get may not end up working out and you may have to find a new tank for your betta, or new inhabitants. You just want to look out and don't choose fish that are flashy colors and flowing fins resemlbing your betta, or anything that is really active that might piss your betta off, or decide to have fun chasing and nipping your betta. :crazy:
I've tried a male betta [as well as a female betta] with Harlequin Rasboras, Neons, and Cardinals.

The bettas always went after the other fish. No matter what the circumstances.

Unless you want to put a male betta in with a couple ADFs or even some cories, your choices are pretty much limited to a solitary male betta.

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