

Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2004
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Hi everyone,
I have been meaning to find this out for ages....Right......What does it mean when bettas flair there fins kind of like this: (THE FINS AROUND ITS NECK)

lol it might not mean anything :lol: :whistle: but mine duz it now and then and i just wanted to know cheers ppl ;)
No offence, but if you don't know what this is and you are keeping this fish you need to do a lot more research then you have already done! Go read the Betta section of the forum. :teacher:
No offence to you, but no need to be nasty.

I am not sure what it means, but they are alot of people with plenty of knowledge about bettas. They will be happy to help, dont be discouraged by this response. ;)
kev_kb said:
No offence, but if you don't know what this is and you are keeping this fish you need to do a lot more research then you have already done! Go read the Betta section of the forum. :teacher:
well, that wasn't exactly a helpful response now was it.

for future reference jaime, post all betta related questions in the bettas section, you'll get more responses, sooner.

as for your question, check this out:
:*) ........Thank to the ppl who HELPED me lol thats sorted things out! Thanks ;)
Bettas flare their gill plates both for looks, (to look bigger, meaner, more manly) and as protection when fighting. They do this when they see another male, or to impress a female. Some Bettas do it when they see something they are unsure of, such as movement, or just because they are feeling rather spunky for the day.

Ooops..forgot to mention....Nice betta
Basically it's the same as when a human man puffs out his chest, Hahahaha. He's either trying to tell the other guy next to him that he's bigger, tougher and better looking, or he's telling the hot chick next to him that he's a manly man and that she wants him :)

Bettas will often flare at their reflection (they don't realize it's themself, unlike human men who flex in the mirror) or at something they see outside their tank. It's what sets Bettas off from all other fish types and makes them the most beutiful...but I guess I'm biased since I breed them, hehe.

Gorgeous Betta you have there btw :wub:

i was never quite sure wat those were either but i know the males flare them out when they spar, females also have these but they are considerably shorter.

( and u guys who posted first, u should of helped if u knew the answer or just not post at all, i thoght that was a bit mean ) -_-
Sorry for my post everyone, it wasn't meant to be nasty I was just surprised the question was posted as when I started to research Bettas this is one of the first things I read about it just made be wonder what else they didn't know about the fish they where keeping...

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