
hannah hampton

New Member
Sep 21, 2023
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Hi, i’ve had guppies for a long time now but i recently got a Betta and i want to get so many more!
I know i cannot keep male bettas in with other male bettas but since i already have a male, could i put females or A female in his tank? and if not, how many females could i put together in my other 100L tank?
I think you're only supposed to put the male and female together if you intend to breed, and only while mating. Then they should be separated again. Females can live in a group, or what is called a sorority. I think 5 or 6 in a tank that size can work.
Never keep male and female or male Betta fish together unless it's for a short period of time for breeding. They will fight, most likely to the death.

You can keep multiple female Betta fish together, which is called a sorority. But sororities are very challenging to do and even if you do one thing wrong it can result in death in all the female Betta fish. Also if one of the females is a bully, she could kill all the other females.

Do you have anything currently in the 100 liter tank? Also how big is the tank your male is currently in? And do you have live plants?

I think you should just stick to keeping one Betta per tank, but you could maybe add some shrimp and snails. Solo Betta tanks are so cool and especially if it's a bigger tank with one betta in it, it makes them so happy.
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