

Oct 12, 2003
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Virginia...Or somewhere else on Earth
My betta has what I think is some form of fin rot along with something else. His fins are looking like they're thinning almost, and he hasn't been swimming much. He also has something on his head. It's not a growth like ich, it's more like an ulcer. It's red, and it isn't getting any better. I've tried betta fix, maradell, and melafix. I'm really worried about my betta, I'm afraid he'll die. I don't know what it is exactly. Am I treating it right? Please help me, I'm really worried about him. :-(
Yeah imagine my horror when I woke up one morning and my poor Stan's left pectoral fin was completely gone and his tail was just a nub of what it used to be. Sorry to hear about your loss. I really miss my betta :byebye:
wow that is a long time to keep a betta I heard thier life span wasnt but two years I have heard of some people keeping them for five years I dont know how true this is. But I am very sorry to hear about your betta dying.
Yeah your betta was getting old anyway. Maybe it was just his time? Sorry the hear about the loss. :rip:
Yeah, I'm floored... gal I work with has a betta that just celebrated 6 years! And you got to figure he was at least 3 months old when she got him. No heater, started in one of those darn plant/vase things for a year before I got her a different set up. He ain't so pretty anymore but he's still kickin'

I'm thinking that your fish was a pretty old guy. If I were you I'd just be proud to have had him with you so long. I know you will miss him but you must have done things right to have had him so long. ;)


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