
Thomas A. Anderson

Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2002
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Help, my betta splendis had beautiful very long reddy/blue fins last night before I went to work.

Just noticed now though that his fins back, lower, and top have almost gone, and he is spending all his time at the top of the tank.

What could have caused such a drastic change?

He looks very sad and dejected :sad: He doesn't show any sign of disease so I don't think it is an illness.

His tank mates are:

1 betta
3 neon tetras
2 glowlight tetras
4 indian glassfish
2 cherry barbs
2 golden barbs
5 dwarf corydoras
3 clown loaches
1 kuhli loach
1 thin striped loach
1 albino frog
1 spotted frog
2 snails
4 algae shrimps

I've not had any problems with fin nipping in the past.

All he has left are stumps.

What can I do?
Alas, it is now beyond help. Just got back from picking the kids from school and it has since died.

I think it was either the Golder Barbs or the Clown Loach as they were both nipping at the dead fish. But it was probably the G Barbs. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :sad: :sad: :sad: :( :( :( :-( :-(
Sorry to hear it :sad:

Bettas generally aren't at all good with any fin nippers as I'm sure you know. With hindsight I think there was little you could do, I think the fish already had the damage when you posted the message and was on the way out. Interestingly enough though the snails will eat it for you! Its a bit gruesome I suppose but this is why I always keep them in my fry tank eats the waste on the bottom and eats any fry which have died :thumbs:
I know where you are coming from, but I didn't want to risk getting high ammonia levels so I disposed of it straight away.

Instead of getting another Betta and risk the same thing happening would Guppies be safe with the other tank mates?
Of course thats what I do with bigger fish for sure. Guppies may also get a bit bashed from the barbs. Barbs are generally shoaling fish did you think of getting a couple of extra ones of them? Or since you are on the livebearer theme perhaps mollies or platies not as colourful for sure but they are tougher and don't have huge tails which get ripped to shreads. :sly:
Many of your fish are shoaling species, the barbs,tetras and loaches so like william says maybe look at increasing the numbers of them, and hopefully see them at their best/happiest? :thumbs:

you really shouldent put it with barbs they are your culprits they like to nip at fins.

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