

spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
I want to set up a betta tank for my mum, and would like it to be as maintenance free as possible :D , so I was wondering is it better to get a 10 gallon tank as the heater won't be too powerful and also can anyone recommend me some equipment, btw I'm in England and I would prefer it to be as cheap as possible.

sorry - but there's really maintence-free w/ fish. . . . . .(I wish!!)

But are you just getting 1 betta?? If you're just getting 1 I would recommend just a 1gal tank. Sure you'd have to do water changes every weekend but it's better/cheaper than a 10gal. The 10gal, you could cycle and that would make it so you'd do 20% water changes every 2 weeks or so. . . . just depends on how many fish you want. . . (betta tank mates? for the 10gal?)
A 10 gallon for a betta is a great idea. :/ Please don't advise him to get a 1 gallon if he's willing to spring for a 10.

It won't be maitanence free, obviously, as fish keeping will always require weekly or daily work.

A 10 gallon planted will create a environment that's incredibly stable, and very simple to maintain. I pretty much have that going on for my female betta. She's very happy in there, with something like 80% of the tank being planted.

If you do feel the need to bring down the tank size, I wouldn't go for anything less than a 5 gallon for a 'low maitanence' tank. Still big enough for a heater, still big enough for him to swim, still considered 'small', and only 8" bigger than a 1 gallon drum style bowl.

I have nothing against 1 gallon bowls mind. I kept my betta in a 1 gallon bowl for a year. But I would have to say that the 5 gallon he's in now is definately a superior home for him, and I dont' think my female betta could ever be happy in a 1 gallon home -- she's got too much wunderlust. :lol:
Yes, a 1 gallon would be fine but I think the bigger the better but also the bigger the more expensive and the bigger the harder to take care of. I have a betta in a ten gallon by himself and he loves it! Today I am going to the store to get 2 new bettas and some sand. One will be a 2.5 gallon and the other will be in a 2 gallon hex. I would say around 2-5 gallons is probably the more senseable thing to do with a betta and the betta would do fine and would be happy. Also it wouldn't be too expensive.

This place actually recommends a minimum of 10 gallons for a single betta, with 50% cover. If your mother has internet, perhaps give her a nudge to that site?

Firsttankguide is a great place for beginners of fishkeeping in general, to start. While I disagree with some of his statements, overall, his site is a grand place.
wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!! i gave 4 bettas away thanks to my tank! first of all you need the filteration in each chamber.....water gets dirty real fast due to filter in one chamber.......if you dont a clear film wil apear on the top....the heater has to make the water equal around the tank...if its in the first chamber the end one will be me....and its hard to clean each chamber to! i live in the UK to! also had a outbreak of snails....
I don't know. I've read of people having unfiltered 10 gallons and doing both (100% and partial).

I imagine a large weekly change should cover it. Your best bet is to invest in some test kits and monitor it for a month or so, and once it's been established how quickly the water quailty goes to pot, adjust your water changes accordingly.

My tank is planted and cycled. I use my girl's old 1 gallon bowl on water change day. I siphon out enough water to fill her 1 gallon bowl, and then add 1 gallon of water back. Presto changeo. It's a nice little system. I change her tank once a week or once every other week, depending on my time schedule. Since my tank is cycled and planted, my ammonia and nitrites are always at zero, and my nitrates are usually fairly low. I really only vac the gravel to get the job done.

:crazy: WHY am I going to a 20 gallon again? My system suddenly sounds perfect! :lol:
I would prefer to go no filter, do I need to downsize or do 100% wc every week in th 10 gallon?
I'd think a 5G is just fine. Do water changes every 4-5 days, you don't need a filter, you can have a heater.. what else do you need?

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