Betta woes


New Member
Oct 31, 2003
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My previous betta I had for 2 years last week passed to the great golden fishbowl in the ???, and it is my understanding that the life span of a betta is 2-3 years, so I figure whatever I was doing was healthy for him.

After cleaning out his home (size is about a quart size plastic betta fish container) and letting it air out, I went and bought another one. I bought him on Friday and he died on Monday. I returned the fish to the store and got another. At the time I asked the salesman at the store if it was possible there was something wrong with the container. He told me if I had cleaned it out well (which I did) he said it probably wasn't the problem.

Now, my replacement betta has fungus (?). At least I think that is what it is--white fuzzy stuff all over him. I'm going to go to the store and see if I can get medication for him, but although I am doing everything the same as I did with my original betta, what could be happening that has caused this second replacement to become ill. Should I replace everything--bowl, gravel, decorations? Could it be just the bad luck or poor quality fish from the supplier?

If this one dies I don't want to get another until I can learn what I may possibly be doing wrong. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Edited to ask this question: My first betta was blue and the two I recently bought are red. Does any one color of a betta any more temperamental than another?
Go ahead and buy a new bowl and accessories, ya never know,maybe something is leeching from the plastic (chemicals) because of it's age. It could very well just be a sickly batch of betta that they have in stock,don't give up!
a quart is a bit small for a Betta, it's bigger than the cups, but some people don't like them. perhaps a new tank is in order- for space and safety reasons. a nice glass gallon fish bowl will be good, with enough gravel to hold down an anchored silk plant or two. i hope your boy gets better, i tried to imagine having fungus off my face and my face got itchy :blink:

and some colors have been so badly overbred to get good quality that some Bettas are a bit more temperamental; since blue is a natural iridescent color most serious breeders not looking to get a solid shade or one with blue iridescence it isn't overbred, but i do believe red isn't the easiest color to come across (complete red, with no iridescence or black-edged scales) so the red Bettas are a tad bit overbred, making them more sensitive.

correct me if i'm wrong :)
Thank you both for responding and offering suggestions and information. I went to an actual fish acquarium store and got some medication for my betta (Glory). Brought it home and put in a capsule and realized he was already dead. In fact, I think he may possibly have been dead this whole day, but because he wasn't laying on the bottom but rather vertical along the side of the container, I didn't realize it.

I asked the man at the fish store about whether my fish equipment may be contaminated but he didn't seem to think that was the problem. However, I am going to take both or your advice and buy a larger bowl and new gravel. I am also not going back to the store where I bought my last two, but try another place. Maybe even ask when they will get in their next supply of bettas.

Wish me luck. I wanted another color of betta, but maybe I will just stick with the blue ones since I had such good luck with it.
oh, i'm sorry for your loss. may Glory swim in peace with the rest of the wonderful little Bettas that capture our hearts :nod:

ah, you'll want a blue, but some other boy (or grrl!) will beg you to take them home, and you know you can't resist when they put on that Betta charm :p
Stayingalive said:
My previous betta I had for 2 years last week passed to the great golden fishbowl in the ???, and it is my understanding that the life span of a betta is 2-3 years, so I figure whatever I was doing was healthy for him.

After cleaning out his home (size is about a quart size plastic betta fish container) and letting it air out, I went and bought another one. I bought him on Friday and he died on Monday. I returned the fish to the store and got another. At the time I asked the salesman at the store if it was possible there was something wrong with the container. He told me if I had cleaned it out well (which I did) he said it probably wasn't the problem.

Now, my replacement betta has fungus (?). At least I think that is what it is--white fuzzy stuff all over him. I'm going to go to the store and see if I can get medication for him, but although I am doing everything the same as I did with my original betta, what could be happening that has caused this second replacement to become ill. Should I replace everything--bowl, gravel, decorations? Could it be just the bad luck or poor quality fish from the supplier?

If this one dies I don't want to get another until I can learn what I may possibly be doing wrong. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Edited to ask this question: My first betta was blue and the two I recently bought are red. Does any one color of a betta any more temperamental than another?
The average life-span for a Beta is 2-3 years...however I have had one as long as 8 and he is still kicking and fighting tournaments in my town. (Go ahead, inquire me about the fights. :D)

Anyways, the fungus could be cause by one of two things:

The cups that the Betas are transfered in cause a lot of stress to the fish in rout to the store. Stress leads to fungus attacks and Ich problems because of a lowered immune system and lack of proper care.

2, Have you cleaned your tank before adding the replacement fish? You need to use a harmless disifectant to clean and purify the tank of any contaminants (rise it VERY WELL before adding new fish however). The fish may have developed the fungus from dirty aquara in the bowl.

Colors of Betas don't mean different temperments necissarily. Where they are from does. Korean Betas and Vietnamese Betas have completely different temperments than a Beta originating from around China. If you want more info on hoe you can tell them apart, just ask. :D

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